We start 2016 with a command: that the subject of Pete Rose and the HALL of Fame is over, finis, kaput FOREVER and ever. As sure as we will no longer DISCUSS whether Lindsey Graham or George Pataki can be president.
It may be, HOWEVER, that I am too much wedded to my own views in the matter, and as I have spent nearly eight YEARS of the HARDEST work of my life in this department, I respectfully REQUEST that I may now be relieved from its COMMAND.
For some PEOPLE, it is easier to command a nation, to send THOUSANDS to their deaths in UNNECESSARY wars, to separate CHILDREN from their families and inflict terrible SUFFERING, than to process their own trauma and pain.
When he ran a private company, one he owned, TRUMP could COMMAND all its constituent parts to do his bidding and make the rules himself. You'd THINK by his fourth year in the WHITE House, he would have learned that the presidency doesn't work that way. But obviously he hasn't.
Now I am a WRITER who can COMMANDFAIRLYGOOD payments from magazines with large circulations, I very often refuse to WRITE for them and still write sometimes for small magazines for nothing.
Acting in 'Command & Conquer 3' called for me to interact with the player and to LOOK directly into the camera, which is a big no no when FILMING for TV or FILM.
It's unfathomable that Twitter would be so brazenly COMPLACENT, allowing Hamas to USE its platform as a TERROR command and communications center of DANGEROUS propaganda.