People on the street comment on how HANDSOME I am. You know, people stop and SAY how angular my face is.

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If someone hurts me on social media, I want to tell them that they've hurt me. I believe you should SAY what you're FEELING. We should all do that, but what I've ALSO realized is that even a negative comment is from a person who is TRYING to reach out. When I REPLY, maybe I'm reminding them that there's a deeper meaning to what they're doing.

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The usual comment from psychologists and psychiatrists was that it's BEST not to encourage PEOPLE to look at their DREAMS because they are liable to STIR up problems for themselves.

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You won't hear me talk about my POLITICS, you won't hear me talk about my vegetarianism, you won't hear me comment on the Iraq war. You'll only hear me talk about being gay and being an ACTOR. I am just public on those two issues.

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People love to make COMMENTS to me on Twitter or SOCIAL MEDIA networks, and I say it's easy for you to make a COMMENT because you're behind a screen where nobody can EVER see you.

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I don't think people realize how much I love basketball. A LOT of people think because of this idiotic comment I made that I love baseball and don't LIKE basketball. Baseball CAME first because if you GREW up in Brooklyn in the 1940s, that was the No. 1 thing. But if you have more than one KID, you love them both.

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I am not a fan of President Trump, I should SAY. I wouldn't TRY to COMMENT on every particular ISSUE in which we DISAGREE, but there are plenty of them.

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I was thinking back when Karl Malone and I, when one of us WOULD be in the WEIGHT room early in the MORNING, and the other one wasn't there, the first COMMENT to the other person would be, 'It's mighty LONELY up here.'

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If I READ every comment on my YouTube videos, I'd GO CRAZY with PEOPLE that are saying negative THINGS.

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The presidency is, in many ways, America's COMMENT on itself; our COLLECTIVE national costume. In the occupant of our SOLE nationwide elected office, we see who we THINK we are, or who we WANT to be.

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I think CANADIANS are tired of politicians that are spun and scripted WITHIN an inch of their life, people who are too afraid of what a focus GROUP might say about one comment or a political opponent might TRY to twist out of context, to actually say MUCH of anything at all.

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I try to remain under radar as much as I can. In our line of work, whatever we do MAKES news, and with social media, people comment on everything. When it comes to love, the DAY I get married, I will TELL the world about my WIFE.

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I am not willing to comment in PUBLIC on the custody discussions REGARDING my children. What I will say is this: I am and ALWAYS will be a mother first, but as a SINGLE working mom I will do everything necessary to provide for my kids despite the opinions of others.

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No one has a RIGHT to COMMENT on anyone's life or the choices I do or don't MAKE.

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