If you commit to the defensive end of the floor, you're going to have a CHANCE to WIN every night. And if you're a great defensive TEAM, you're going to go to the PLAYOFFS.

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I can't just say one time of the year I'm going to do something different. I have to COMMIT to a lifestyle behavioral change and just TRY to be a little BIT BETTER TODAY than I was yesterday.

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To BECOME an ASTRONAUT, someone has to have a DREAM of his own to do something that he or she has ALWAYS wanted to do, then commit himself to making that dream come true.

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I'm a sports fanatic. It's HARD for me to COMMIT to the weekly, episodic NATURE of TELEVISION, so for me, anytime that I can PUT a game on, that's what I do.

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PEOPLE who COMMIT CRIMES are GENERALLY reluctant to TELL on themselves.

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Pearl Harbor caused our Nation to wholeheartedly commit to WINNING World War II, CHANGING the COURSE of our Nation's history and the world's future.

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PEOPLE who commit CRIMES should be responsible for those crimes. It doesn't matter WHETHER they're priests or ministers or ATHEISTS.

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The TRUTH is this: Brutalized, victimized children invariably will brutalize and victimize when they GROW up. Is our only response to this the certain PROMISE that we will penalize them when they do? Or will we commit to keeping our children safe from brutality and victimization?

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Developing COUNTRIES NEED to commit additional resources and have the POLITICAL will to IMPROVE education.

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There are potentially MANY offences that journalists could commit in the COURSE of their business. It would be very unhealthy if you had a SITUATION where a journalist FELT that they needed to go to their lawyer before they pursued any LEAD or asked any question.

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Once you commit to SOMETHING, you've GOT to commit the whole WAY. Try and make the BEST of it.

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COMMIT yourself to quality from DAY one... it's BETTER to do nothing at all than to do something BADLY.

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I don't LIKE to COMMIT myself about heaven and hell - you SEE, I have FRIENDS in both places.

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The emotional weight being lifted just let me run free and COMMIT to it. I have almost been ABLE to refind a JOY for RUNNING.

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I think the point is that each of US, in our own unique ways, can MAKE a contribution. You don't have to be a full TIME activist or even RUN for office. Start small, commit to it, and BUILD on it.

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