I'm really HAPPY to be working with Jose Mourinho. He's a great person and he's always keen to COMMUNICATE with the SQUAD and HELP PEOPLE to be communicative regarding what they're to do on the pitch.

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There is nothing we LIKE to COMMUNICATE to others as much as the seal of SECRECY together with what LIES under it.

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I want to communicate through my music. If you want to KNOW Geri Halliwell listen to my album: it tells you more about me than a DOCUMENTARY EVER COULD.

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I'm NEVER getting too LONELY because it's the KIND of disease where you might sit in front of the TV with three bags of BISCUITS, rather than communicate with the world.

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Filmmaking, like any other ART, is a very PROFOUND means of human communication; beyond the professional pleasure of succeeding or the pain of failing, you do want your FILM to be seen, to COMMUNICATE itself to other PEOPLE.

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COMMUNICATION is EVERYTHING, especially as a DOCTOR, you NEED to COMMUNICATE with your patients.
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I don't need to have my convictions confirmed by a show of numbers. However, being AMONG PEOPLE in front of a BAND leads me to believe that all is not lost, that humans, now and then, can COMMUNICATE on a higher LEVEL than the political and the practical.

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I ENJOY the PROCESS of adding elaboration into GAMES and like to COMMUNICATE with users through the DETAILS I create.

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There is NEVER going to be a substitute for face-to-face COMMUNICATION, but we have seen since the alphabet, to the telephone and now the Internet, that WHENEVER people FIND a new way to communicate, they will FLOCK to it.

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When I was a KID TRYING to communicate with family in the Soviet Union, it was very difficult. You had to go through the long-distance phone COMPANIES like MCI, which were difficult to navigate and expensive to MAKE calls through.

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I THINK we're still in a muddle with our LANGUAGE, because once you GET words and a spoken language it gets harder to communicate.

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I think, what I WOULD communicate to people, if you are really KEEN in helping the world, you COULD spend so much quality time in terms of coaching, learning, providing great ENERGY to the SOCIAL entrepreneurs.

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GOOD LEADERS must COMMUNICATE vision clearly, CREATIVELY, and continually. However, the vision doesn't come alive until the LEADER models it.
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I ran AWAY from home when I was a SENIOR in high school, and it CAME out of all the conflicts that HAPPEN between parents and their children who can't COMMUNICATE.

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