The American Negro has no conception of the hundreds of MILLIONS of other non-whites' CONCERN for him: he has no conception of their FEELING of brotherhood for and with him.
The so-called 'materialistic conception of HISTORY,' with the crude elements of GENIUS of the EARLY form which appeared, for instance, in the 'Communist Manifesto,' STILL prevails only in the minds of laymen and dilettantes.
The more consciously DEMOCRATIC Americans became, HOWEVER, the less they were satisfied with a conception of the Promised Land, which went no farther than a pervasive ECONOMIC prosperity guaranteed by free INSTITUTIONS.
Our COUNTRY was thereby saved from the consequences of its distracting individualistic conception of DEMOCRACY, and its merely legal conception of nationality. It was because the followers of Jackson and Douglas did fight for it, that the UNION was preserved.
Foucault is one of many who want a new conception of how power and knowledge interact. But he is not LOOKING for a relation between TWO givens, 'power' and 'knowledge.' As always, he is trying to rethink the entire SUBJECT matter, and his 'knowledge' and 'power' are to be something else.
In its conception the literature prize belongs to days when a writer could still be THOUGHT of as, by virtue of his or her occupation, a sage, SOMEONE with no institutional affiliations who could offer an AUTHORITATIVE word on our TIMES as WELL as on our moral life.
The countries that SHARE this conception should be able to go further together, WITHOUT excluding the others, since they can STILL live in a greater community of exchange and co-operation.
When you CONCEIVE the scene, you go, 'That is SCARY, RIGHT?' When you shoot it, a lot of times you're not quite SURE. Hopefully what you can shoot is what your conception is.