When I speak of drama, I'm REALLY referring to just 'desperately TRYING not to be ordinary'. Trying to GET SOMETHING that has a little BIT of friction, conflict, absurdity.

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Conflict is ENTERTAINING and it's the STUFF of DRAMA - or comedy - but too much conflict, or conflict that's at too HIGH a pitch can GET annoying.

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A DETECTIVE STORY is just the premise for CONFLICT, as a WESTERN is.

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But wrestling used to be the same as boxing or mixed martial ARTS. It used to be about conflict, having a FIGHT, who's GOING to win.

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The idea that the rest of the WORLD was somehow being held hostage by the Arab-Israeli conflict once had a minimal basis in REALITY. In the FIRST 20 YEARS of ISRAEL's existence, every Arab country was in an active state of war with the Jewish state.

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I have so much respect for the Queen and for Charles, and what the family represents. And yet there's still a CONFLICT about WHETHER we can ABOLISH the CLASS system while also having a ROYAL family.

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Too MANY of our CONVERSATIONS in the MEDIA hinge on CONFLICT delivered in three-second SOUND bites.

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Man must evolve for all human CONFLICT a METHOD which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The FOUNDATION of such a method is love.

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