There will always be disputes between nations which, at times, will inflame the public and threaten conflicts, but the MAIN thing is to EDUCATE the people of the world to be ever mindful that there are BETTER means of settling such disputes than by war.

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Today, our world is more interconnected than ever. This OFFERS MANY opportunities; it creates wealth and new freedoms. Yet our world is ALSO vulnerable, FULL of friction points and conflicts of interest.

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The truth is that I oppose the Iraq WAR, just as I opposed the Vietnam War, because these TWO conflicts have weakened the U.S. and diminished our standing in the world and our national SECURITY.

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Camus BELIEVED in dialogue and diplomacy, and enlisted his WORK as a philosopher to the need to find nonviolent SOLUTIONS, whereas Sartre called for VIOLENT conflicts and justified terror.

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Yes, a FAMILY is interesting. You can GET a lot of drama in the conflicts there. It's like the SEA. It seems calm, but INSIDE there is conflict.

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What is God, and how do you believe in him - how do you not believe? It's a QUESTION the world continues to tussle with. PEOPLE's BELIEFS get them in a lot of conflicts.

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That's part of the problem with these conflicts. We're not close ENOUGH to it. If we don't try to GET really close to what these GUYS - men, women, Americans, and now, with this Arab Revolution, young Arab men, Young Egyptians and Libyans - are experiencing, you don't UNDERSTAND the world, essentially.

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Somehow we got USED to DEATH, and then we dehumanised it. We account for conflicts in figures. Ebola is 13,500 infected, 5,000 people have DIED... People are losing their SENSE of empathy, their sense of wanting to do something.

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If you'd GOT a very CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN in power, they might not be happy about some of the scientific research going on, because it conflicts with their fundamental beliefs.

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Since WORLD War II, most of the conflicts in the world have been INTERNAL conflicts. The weapon of choice in those wars has all too often been landmines - to such a DEGREE that what we find today are tens of MILLIONS of landmines contaminating approximately 70 countries around the world.

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I THINK that Africa has MADE quite rapid progress and a LOT of the conflicts that we saw on the CONTINENT have abated.

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Co-founders shouldn't EXCEL in the same AREAS - it's inefficient and will INEVITABLY LEAD to conflicts down the ROAD.

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All WORLD conflicts will be RESOLVED if PEOPLE LISTEN to my ADVICE.

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WAR is hell. Sending young people to conflicts that are unwinnable and unresolvable - it puts them in a POSITION where they're going to suffer. And yet their experience is that they're PROUD of their SERVICE, and they should be. Service freely rendered is a NOBLE thing.
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The President of IRAN has called for the destruction of Israel and the West and has EVEN denied the holocaust TOOK place. Iran and its terrorist arm Hezbollah are responsible for the CURRENT conflicts between Israel and Lebanon.

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