I am certain that most composers TODAY WOULD consider today's MUSIC to be rich, not to SAY confusing, in its enormous diversity of styles, technical procedures, and systems of esthetics.

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It takes a STRONG person to admit he's GOT problems. Things are bugging you, you've got to get it out. LIFE is supposed to be peaches and cream, but it doesn't turn out that way. I sometimes found things CONFUSING and sometimes didn't understand how things can be so DIFFICULT.

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The danger of the Internet is cocooning with the like-minded online - of sending an email or TWITTER and confusing that with action - while the real corporate and MILITARY and government centers of POWER GO right on.

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The enduring appeal of mystery stories for all of us is that the WORLD is a PRETTY confusing place. There's a LOT of really unanswered THINGS, and perhaps the scariest NOTION would be that there might not always be answers out there for us.

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LOVE is such a CONFUSING WORD. You THINK I'm JOKING but I'm not.
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Most of what I've written SONGS about are things that COME out of the confusing EMOTIONAL, spiritual and PSYCHOLOGICAL period of time when you're GOING through puberty.

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There's LOTS of Tolkien that MUST be CONFUSING to PEOPLE.

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Melodrama and melodramatic are not the same thing, and often PEOPLE make the MISTAKE of confusing the two.

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I KNEW there was something I had to do YESTERDAY. I couldn't REMEMBER what it is. I can't figure it out. I KNOW it's a holiday. I know I don't have a meeting. It's very confusing.

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Sometimes you'll have a heckler who's ACTUALLY attempting to be SUPPORTIVE, but you don't realize it. Their WAY of expressing it is KIND of confusing.

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I don't think DONALD Barthelme would have minded being called a confusing WRITER. CONFUSION was a FAVORITE subject for him in his essays and reviews, and it's enacted in his fiction in a mishmash of dizzying incongruities.

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Every AGE yearns for a more beautiful world. The DEEPER the desperation and the depression about the confusing PRESENT, the more intense that yearning.

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I think PEOPLE are CONFUSING the RIGHT to WRITE with the right to be published.

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I once bought some enormous fireworks that were literally the size of sticks of dynamite. We WOULD GO into the field BEHIND our house, slide them into the BIGGEST cow pats we could FIND, and blow them sky high. It was exhilarating and, for the cows, incredibly confusing.

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Candice is the original spelling of my name. I changed it to Kandyse when I was really young and first starting out in the business as KIND of a JOKE. I didn't REALIZE it would STICK! I did consider CHANGING it, but then it seemed too confusing, so then I asked them to change it back. Not too soon, however!

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