You get INSPIRATION from craziest places. It's just about being CREATIVE. You gotta step outside that box, you know what I'm saying, to REACH the people. You NEVER know who can feel it; who it can connect to.
Read MoreThe next time you feel unworthy, inadequate or inferior, REMEMBER that these experiences have NOTHING to do with humbleness, any more than lowering yourself to connect with another individual has to do with humbleness. There are no LOWER or higher INDIVIDUALS in the perception of a humble person. There are only souls. There is only love.
Read MoreFashion is really a place where EVERY other industry connects, whether it's music or acting. At the end of the day, everyone is going to walk the red CARPET and be interested in the fashion side of it. I think that's really cool because as a model, you GET to CONNECT with a lot of different worlds.
Read MoreIt's FUNNY: Your RELATIONSHIP changes with a song over time. After a year or so, you're a DIFFERENT person, so your songs, you don't connect with them LIKE you did.
Read MoreScience is empirical, all about PHYSICAL senses that tell us about the world. But physical senses are not the only senses we have. NOBODY has ever seen a thought. Nobody has ever seen a feeling. And yet THOUGHTS and feelings are where we LIVE our lives most immediately, and science cannot connect with that.
Read MoreI CONNECT to the tradition of Irish STORYTELLING. And I think there is something - I can't put my FINGER on it - something genetic there. Maybe just a need to TELL stories.
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