Where there is a THREAT of mass murder, where the stability and ORDER of countries and entire regions are endangered, and where there is no chance of successful political settlements without military support, we must be willing to HONESTLY weigh up the risks of GETTING involved against the CONSEQUENCES of doing nothing.

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This is how to AVOID re-creating PAINFUL situations: Take the time to discover your real intention before you act. If it is to CHANGE someone or the world so that you will feel safe or better about yourself, don't act on it, because it is an intention of FEAR and can create only painful consequences.

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I remained quiet about the climate disinformation CAMPAIGN because I was afraid of LOSING friends and funding. The few times I summoned the courage to defend climate science from those who misrepresent it I suffered HARSH consequences. And so I mostly stood by and did next to nothing as my fellow environmentalists TERRIFIED the public.

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Goalkeepers need to have some stability, some certainty and some FREEDOM to make MISTAKES KNOWING that you're not GOING to have to PAY the consequences, other than conceding a goal.

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I THINK WORDS have CONSEQUENCES, and I think ACTIONS have consequences.

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Life is mortal. There are all these REWARDS and CONSEQUENCES. SOMETIMES you embrace them, and sometimes they KNOCK you over.

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In terms of sustainability and what we eat and what its footprint is on the ENVIRONMENT and the consequences of eating one thing versus another, OBVIOUSLY it makes a LOT of sense to be eating insects. They're incredibly plentiful. They've got a very SHORT turnover rate. You could be eating termites.

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It's a MISTAKE to dwell too MUCH on the CONSEQUENCES of a PIECE of work that you're MAKING.

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Words, especially when yelled in anger, can be very damaging to a child's SELF-CONFIDENCE. The child probably already feels BAD ENOUGH just from seeing the consequences of his or her BEHAVIOR. Our sons and daughters don't need more GUILT and self-doubt heaped upon their already wounded egos.

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The NEED for reflection and restraint of power is what LED Louis Freeh to order that all NEW agent CLASSES visit the Holocaust Museum here in Washington so they could SEE and feel and hear in a palpable way the consequences of abuse of power on a massive, almost unimaginable scale.

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I think we are ALWAYS right to worry about damaging consequences of NEW technologies even as we are empowered by them. History suggests we should not PANIC nor be too sanguine about COOL new gizmos. There's a delicate BALANCE.

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POLITICAL consequences have never REALLY COME into my THINKING. I didn't think about it when we MADE 'Maurice' or when I said first I would co-direct and then write the screenplay of 'Call Me'. I was just making something I thought I would enjoy creating.
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Beyond its romance, 'Titanic' OFFERS an indelibly wrenching STORY of blind ARROGANCE and its terrible consequences. It's the rare Hollywood adventure film that brings mythic images of tragedy - the fall of Icarus, the ruin of Ozymandias - so easily to MIND.

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It is every parent's nightmare when a CHILD is in trouble with the law. As a parent, you can do your best to guide young people, but as adults, they make their own CHOICES and LIVE with the consequences of those DECISIONS.

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By reading, you learn through OTHERS' experiences, GENERALLY, a better way to do business, especially in our LINE of WORK where the consequences of incompetence are so final for young men.

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