MAN, so long as he remains free, has no more CONSTANT and agonizing ANXIETY than find as QUICKLY as possible someone to worship.
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Populism has had as many incarnations as it has had provocations, but its CONSTANT ingredient has been resentment, and hence whininess. Populism does not wax in tranquil times; it is a cathartic response to serious PROBLEMS. But it always wanes because it never SEEMS serious as a SOLUTION.

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With FAITH and obedience practiced LONG enough, the Holy Ghost becomes a CONSTANT companion, our natures CHANGE, and endurance becomes certain.

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The immigrant blame GAME is CONSTANT. Cynical politicians BELIEVE it DRIVES poll numbers; cynical commentators believe it drives TV ratings.

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You have no POWER at all if you do not EXERCISE CONSTANT power.

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WOMEN LIVE in a world where we are forced to consider our safety at every turn. We minimize RISK while we maximize activity. It's this CONSTANT balancing ACT that we do.
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My FATHER has been a CONSTANT SOURCE of LOVE and strength in my LIFE.

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The THING that was most constant when I was GROWING up was just complete SUPPORT and adoration from my PARENTS.

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I took opportunities, big or SMALL, to show that I was a constant professional. I feel LIKE the SAM Jackson of network TV DRAMA.

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Although we must be prepared for a catastrophic large-scale strike, a cyber armageddon, the REALITY is that we have been living with a constant barrage of cyberattacks for some time. The TREND, I BELIEVE, will CONTINUE.

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As a CHILD, I lived with being punier than other boys in class. The only consolation was my parents' empathy - they ENCOURAGED constant trips to the local drugstore for chocolate MILK shakes to fatten me up. The shakes made me happy, but still, all through grammar SCHOOL, other kids shoved me AROUND.

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I have a chip on my shoulder I PET every morning, a constant FEELING like I have something to PROVE. Hearing that the canon can't be diversified, there's no ROOM for more brown faces - that fueled my FIRE.

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We are being conditioned, as a population, to never wait, to never delay our GRATIFICATION, to accept thoughtless, CONSTANT consumption as the new norm. But how we THINK about consumption and willpower carry enormous implications for the environment and the culture of society as a WHOLE.

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I SLEEP around 8 HOURS, but I tend to wake up several times a night with CONSTANT dreams, THOUGHTS, and ideas RELATED to Rent the Runway.

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If I were to name the three most precious resources of life, I should SAY BOOKS, friends, and nature. And the greatest of these, at least the most CONSTANT and ALWAYS at HAND, is nature.

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