The PASSENGERS in our microbiome contain at LEAST FOUR million genes, and they work constantly on our behalf: they manufacture VITAMINS and patrol our guts to prevent infections; they help to form and bolster our immune systems, and digest food.

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We're PROFESSIONALS, EVERYBODY scores. It's just a MATTER of limiting them as MUCH as you can and TRYING to contain them.

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I have, compartmentalized in my HEAD, one file for the NFL, one for COLLEGE basketball and one for GOLF. They contain everything I've ever READ, watched and learned.

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The TRICK is to LEARN to contain one's EGO, not CONCEAL it.

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RAW leafy greens contain only about 100 CALORIES PER POUND and are packed with nutrients.

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Every single person in the profession has an engine as a helper now. The engines contain six or SEVEN MILLION games, searchable by OPENING move, player, country, time control. That MAKES it possible to really research your OPPONENT.

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Despite the LEFT's best hopes, the Manafort indictment didn't contain a single reference to the Trump campaign and the charges he FACES are completely tailored to a DECADE of shady business deals overseas. Collusion wasn't the center of the charges and PRESIDENT Donald Trump was left out of it.

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GMOs are linked to digestive problems, AMONG other things. Antibiotics and GROWTH hormone are other additives being excessively pumped into the animals we are EATING, which means we're then consuming these excess antibiotics and hormones. And some processed foods ACTUALLY contain toxic chemicals, often USED to prevent spoilage and enhance flavor.

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Well that's true, and what is actually HAPPENING now is that there are accusations that those records contain conspiratorial INFORMATION that has been concealed from the AMERICAN people and that is a DANGEROUS situation that just cannot be tolerated.

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