About fifteen miles above New Orleans the river GOES very SLOWLY. It has broadened out there until it is ALMOST a SEA and the water is yellow with the mud of half a continent. Where the sun strikes it, it is golden.

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Having PLAYED in U.S.A. in 1994, in FRANCE in 1998, as well as the 2002 World CUP in KOREA and Japan - the first on the Asian continent - I have witnessed the excitement and passion unleashed in those DIFFERENT parts of the world.

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Europe should be a CONTINENT of NATION states who are free trading, with our own identities, not a BUNCH of Eurocrats NOBODY voted for.

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AFRICA has more DICTATORS PER capita than any other CONTINENT.
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I've ALWAYS WANTED to explore NORTH America. I drive a motorbike and have always wanted to SPEND a couple of months exploring the continent on two wheels.

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Shakespeare is, ESSENTIALLY, the emanation of the RENAISSANCE. The overflow of his fame on the Continent in later years was but the sequel of the flood of the Renaissance in Western Europe. He was the child of that great movement, and MARKS its height as it penetrated the NORTH with civilization.

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All over Africa, people are WEARING what Americans once wore and no longer WANT. VISIT the continent, and you'll find faded remnants of secondhand clothing in the strangest of PLACES.

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Love knows not DISTANCE; it HATH no continent; its eyes are for the STARS.

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You have TROUBLES with VIOLENT indigenous movement around the continent. Here, we are putting more power in their hands and CREATING a nonviolent indigenous SOCIETY.

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Around the CONTINENT, governments WORRY that indigenous groups are fertile ground for EXTREMIST, terrorist groups. We are trying to make SURE that doesn't happen here.

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HUMANITY has nearly suffocated the GLOBE with carbon dioxide, yet nuclear power plants that produce no such emissions are so mired in objections and obstruction that, despite renewed INTEREST on EVERY continent, it is UNLIKELY another will be built in the United States.
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It's never happened in HISTORY that every region in the WORLD could AFFECT every other region simultaneously. The Roman empire and the Chinese empire didn't KNOW much about each other and had no means of interacting. Now we have every continent able to reach every other.

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Climate change is the BIGGEST ISSUE facing our PLANET. Extreme weather hit EVERY populated continent in 2018, killing, injuring and displacing millions.

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Our arguments - and those of HUNDREDS more Venezuelans SUFFERING the same injustice - are clear and forceful: political disqualification violates LAWS in VENEZUELA and throughout the continent.

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After numerous generations of people dedicated to killing WOLVES on the NORTH AMERICAN continent, one GENERATION devoted itself to letting wolves live.

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