During my seven-year contract with RKO, there were seven DIFFERENT studio presidents, from David O. Selznick to Charles W. Koerner. You literally had to check the NAME on the DOOR so as not to CALL the NEW boss by the former boss's name.

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I QUIT after my seven-year CONTRACT with UNIVERSAL was up. I quit for 33 YEARS.

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A marriage CONTRACT to me is as binding as any in business, and I have ALWAYS BELIEVED in sticking to an AGREEMENT.

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I was emancipated at 15 and off to Japan on a CONTRACT WORKING. I FELT for my parents. I apologized profusely years later, but I was just very strong-willed and strong-minded and had my own idea - THOUGHT outside of the box.

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For a 20-year-old KID to be taking on Liverpool FOOTBALL Club over a CONTRACT. To the pit of my stomach that just winds me up, it angers me.

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The LAST true PUNK BAND to get a major LABEL CONTRACT was The Dickies.

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I first realised I was GOOD at football when I started getting scouted by United, Liverpool, Everton; CLUBS LIKE that had a lot of interest at an early age, and you kind of know then you're on the right PATH. I was about six years old and had to sign a contract at nine.

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When I got out of COLLEGE and signed a CONTRACT to PLAY pro football in the USFL, the FIRST thing I BOUGHT was a Remington 1100 shotgun and a Remington .30-06.

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WITHOUT thinking or reflecting, we plunge into war, contract heavy debts, increase VASTLY the patronage of the Executive, and INDULGE in EVERY species of extravagance, without thinking that we expose our liberty to hazard. It is a great and fatal MISTAKE.

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I wish to be cremated. One tenth of my ASHES shall be GIVEN to my agent, as written in our contract.

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The RECORD COMPANIES FELL apart - quite deservedly. Their corrupting, all-binding contract NONSENSE had to stop.

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My DEAL with Marvel is I have a consulting deal with them as well as a CONTRACT to make 'Avengers.' That means I'll READ all the SCRIPTS, I'll LOOK at cuts.

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I believe a LOT of players that start to think about money - 'Oh my goodness; I'm up for a new contract' - they don't have a GREAT season because they're thinking about all these different things. Do your BUSINESS on the FIELD, and everything takes care of itself.

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I've just signed a contract to MAKE RECORDS in Nashville. It won't AMOUNT to much at first, but after a year or so, I will really be in the money.

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When you're not under a 'series REGULAR' CONTRACT, and other jobs COME up, you try to juggle EVERYTHING.

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