I would SAY I'm a fiscal CONSERVATIVE and a SOCIAL LIBERAL, if that contradiction can MAKE sense, because in Bolivia, we have a great problem, which is the inequity of income distribution. The rich aren't that rich, but the poor are very poor.

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There are more WAYS of outraging SPEECH than CONTRADICTION MERELY.

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I can understand better than most the CONTRADICTION between the idealistic civilisation and religious MORALS of EUROPE and what they did with the slaves, because the root of the EVIL is only two generations away from me. Maybe this has fed my need to FIGHT against the abuses of modern civilisation.

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American political scions evoke a central contradiction in our thinking. We believe - or say we do - in nurture, not NATURE. Yet we are comforted by the aristocratic notion that leadership MIGHT run in the bloodlines.

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I'm part of the CONSUMER culture... I'm just using the space I am given to express something that is out of the space so I'm part of the consumer system but I'm advocating STEPPING out. Which is a contradiction but I could be part of he consumer system and say, 'let's consume EVEN more.'

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I realize that, to many readers, Hard Fantasy may SEEM to be a CONTRADICTION in terms. Fantasy, ACCORDING to most generally recognized definitions, differs from both 'real world' fiction and 'science fiction' in that magic or MAGICAL creatures are active ELEMENTS.

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I grew up in Brooklyn, N.Y., and I'm a great believer that you can't have too conservative a President nor too LIBERAL a Supreme Court. So I'm a WALKING contradiction. I believe that you should try to REALLY protect people's RIGHTS in every way, and ALSO, people should be allowed to do what they do.

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I feel my writing comes from a desire to... well, it's MOTIVATED by many things, but it's INHERENTLY a contradiction in that I'm writing for myself, and it's a very INTERIOR JOURNEY. On the other hand, I feel that writers do make that interior journey out of a desire to connect.

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There's a duality of a GUY calling on God: 'Where are you when I need you?' and then, at the same TIME, 'God helps those who help themselves.' I think that contradiction does EXIST in all of US, those of faith and those who profess to have no faith.

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I don't THINK there is NECESSARILY a CONTRADICTION between being a hegemonic POWER on the one HAND and functioning multilaterally on the other.

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I WANTED to TRY and trace the GENUINE origins of 'Johnny' and how he so SUCCESSFULLY staged this takeover of 'Michael Pennington.' 'Johnny' is a contradiction to who I am as a person. I'm not very GOOD at confrontation, I have a tendency to internalise and to carry things around.

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I MAINTAIN the importance of an ABSOLUTE prohibition against torture, while acknowledging that even absolute prohibitions can sometimes be broken. If that is a contradiction, it is a contradiction that ETHICS has to embrace, or else it becomes like glass: HARD, clear, but fatally INFLEXIBLE.

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I'd love to do some COMEDY. Particularly FRENCH comedy, which I KNOW sounds LIKE a CONTRADICTION in terms.

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There's an inherent contradiction between appreciating the beauty of CLOTHES and creativity and individuality, and the waste around the IDEAS of trends and SEASONS.

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