I've ALWAYS controlled my emotions. I think that probably came from playing a LOT of tennis, keeping it inside and not letting the opponent SEE what's going on with you. I think it GIVES them an advantage when you do that.

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What matters to every FAMILY in the country is that the COST of LIVING is CONTROLLED.

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I don't WANT to see blood spewing out but I don't MIND it in CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT. Does it MAKE me squeamish? No.

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I just didn't WANT my legacy to be that of a few others that I don't EVEN have to name, where I was controlled by a SUBSTANCE, or a liquid for that matter. My life is too precious to me.

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Reparations, I believe, are talked about for POLITICAL reasons, trying to cater for the purpose of getting VOTES. If CONGRESS was serious about reparations - in '93 and '94 the Democrats controlled the House, the Senate and the White House, and not one single REPUBLICAN vote was needed for reparations.

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I'm gradually beginning to FEEL that we CHINESE NEED to be CONTROLLED. If we're not being controlled, we'll just do what we want.

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I do think one success of Northern Europe, which the United States came from, was its willingness to accept INNOVATION in BUSINESS practices like Adam Smith and the whole Enlightenment. It essentially made the merchant CLASS free instead of controlled by the king and ARISTOCRACY. That was essential.

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One of the things I think has been important for Blizzard is maintaining the direct relationship with our PLAYERS. Having a platform that we owned and CONTROLLED was important for that strategy, and also to not be DEPENDENT on other publishers.

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In rugby I think it is good to have a BIT of a PERSONA, a bit of a character because we are one of the last things that isn't NECESSARILY CONTROLLED.

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Because I actually find the next take after they've controlled it a little bit and repressed the LAUGHTER is actually a really interesting take, because that's still going on UNDERNEATH the SURFACE. That struggle to maintain composure becomes part of the JOY of the scene.

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LIFE was EASY was BACK in the days before HUMAN resource departments controlled business and someone decided we all should be politically CORRECT.
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As a country, we have confronted and CONTROLLED the most common sources of ozone precursors, and our options are few and far between to HANDLE what remains, which is MOSTLY naturally occurring ozone and ozone transported from other countries such as Mexico.

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