At a TIME like this, scorching IRONY, not convincing argument, is NEEDED.

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I do spend - I feel like I spend about my FIRST 20 minutes at any cocktail PARTY convincing PEOPLE that I'm not going to HARM them in some way.

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PRESIDENT Bush has consistently USED rhetoric, and that is not CONVINCING GIVEN his past RECORD.
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Unless we REPEAL the illegal Byrd amendment, AMERICAN exports will be vulnerable to retaliation, and the U.S. will CONTINUE to face a DIFFICULT task convincing other COUNTRIES to make their laws comply with international rules.

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Palin, Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and others have MADE an art form of convincing far too MANY Americans to suspend their disbelief, and they have severely damaged the ABILITY of our country to have serious DISCUSSIONS about serious challenges.

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There is that definition of leadership that SAYS, 'Leadership is convincing people to do things that they OTHERWISE wouldn't have done because you've MADE them BELIEVE it's the right thing to do.' And a great speech can do that.

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HORROR and the UNKNOWN or the strange are always closely connected so that it is hard to create a convincing PICTURE of shattered natural law or cosmic alienage or 'outsideness' without laying STRESS on the EMOTION of fear.
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I do not have, nor do I BELIEVE I have seen, a VISION capacious and convincing ENOUGH to propound as an organizing principle for the next phase in the LAW of our Constitution.

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What I can't quite see at this stage is that the evidence, EVEN to the PRESIDENT, seems to be that clear. And if it is that clear, I can't understand why we are not CAPABLE of convincing our CLOSEST allies that given that evidence, they ought to join us in this effort.

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The pitch, timbre, volume, SPEED, and cadence of your voice, the speed with which you speak, and EVEN the WAY you modulate pitch and loudness, are all hugely influential factors in how CONVINCING you are and how people judge your state of MIND and character.

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I often hear actors say during their interviews: 'I want to play a crazy person, a murderer, or someone who's on edge.' But that question scares me. I mean, of COURSE there are CHARACTERS I'd LIKE to play, but I can't REALLY say specifically who they are. It's much too hard to play a convincing normal person as it is.

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I FIND, as a woman and as a producer, I SPEND a lot of TIME CONVINCING people I actually did the work.

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Certain PEOPLE and groups seem invested in CONVINCING BLACK people that black people are liberal. We've traditionally been conservative, church-going people.

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