I don't think there was a definite day, but it WOULD have been around my mid-20s. I was always interested in the MEDIA side of things. When we travelled with ENGLAND AWAY, or to WORLD Cups, I used to sit with journos while they wrote their copy.

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No one likes to WORK for free. To copy an artist's work and download it free is stealing. It's hard work WRITING and recording MUSIC, and it's morally wrong to STEAL it.

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MR. TRUMP is Mr. Trump. I'm Mr. Wilders. I'm not ANYBODY's COPY or WHATSOEVER.

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You cannot just COPY and paste Carlo Ancelotti. He's been COACHING for 20 YEARS now and I have never heard a PLAYER complaining about him.

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Pay ATTENTION to them KIDS, don't let your feelings be HURT because they taking your place. They supposed to. But if you wanna stay around with them, you ain't GOT to copy 'em. Just get the ones that's real young, too young to even be copying yet, because you know they gonna be the NEXT thing.

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When I was a kid, my father brought HOME the autobiography of Sid Luckman, the GREAT Chicago BEARS quarterback - probably an EXTRA copy from the sports department where he worked. It was the FIRST sports biography I ever read.

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I had to CREATE an EQUIVALENT for what I FELT about what I was LOOKING at - not COPY it.

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I had a COUPLE of really cool friends when I was a kid, and we'd find cool music and movies and show them to each other. My FRIEND Dennis had a COPY of 'A Clockwork Orange' and he'd already seen it once, and he was LIKE, 'We need to watch this.' I was sleeping over his house - and I think we were literally 15 - and we WATCHED it.

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READING the final COPY of my book was like walking down MEMORY lane all over again. SURE, the writing process was EMOTIONAL, but when I had the final copy in my hands, it was a completely different feeling.

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It's one thing to buy a COPY of 'Atlas Shrugged.' You actually have to READ it to get anything out of it.

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At the school I attended, the clergyman who ran the cathedral school in Shanghai would give lines to the BOYS as a punishment. They EXPECTED you to copy out, say, 20 or 30 pages from one of the school texts. But I FOUND that rather than laboriously copying out SOMETHING from a novel by Charles Dickens, it was EASIER if I made it up myself.

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If you COPY then it is not SELF-EXPRESSION.

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I would SAY the MAIN thing is, don't just copy yourself, which is what a lot of sequels do. And in some CASES, it works. Like James Bond movies. But James Bond is a different TYPE of character.

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I was at CBS NEWS on a fluke. I replaced SOMEBODY who was on vacation. I worked as a copy BOY, then became a news writer.

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Now it's HARD to PICK up any COPY of 'Wired' that doesn't MENTION YOUTUBE.

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