A lot of individuals are so worried about being POLITICALLY CORRECT. I'd rather go ahead and say what's on my MIND than to sit there and come up with some PC 'Oh, the guy is a GREAT fighter and I have a lot of respect for him.' If I don't mean it, why is it EVEN coming out of my mouth?

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When I was a YOUNG PERSON, they used to refer to it as Christmas TIME. Course now it has to be politically CORRECT and call it the holidays.

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A loafer ALWAYS has the CORRECT TIME.

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Each experience through which we pass operates ultimately for our good. This is a CORRECT ATTITUDE to adopt and we MUST be able to see it in that light.

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Get practiced at taking deep BREATHS before you speak. This will GIVE you the SPACE to STOP, notice what was about to come out of your mouth, and COURSE correct if needed.

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We're going to go back to the DRAWING board and see what we can correct. But at the end of the DAY, we FOUGHT Manny Pacquiao in a chess MATCH, we did well and what doesn't kill us will make us STRONGER.

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If the rules of a language are FOLLOWED, words usually make SENSE. But these very rules can STIR the impulse to rebel. We're obliged to keep trying to convey MEANING through correct sentences. After a while, the good-soldier rigidity of polished prose can begin to seem dull, and it gets HARDER to resist the temptation of nonsense.

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I always use the basic quality of people to achieve what I want to achieve. That's a DIFFERENT way of thinking. I always LOVE that they do things. And when it GOES wrong, WELL, try to CORRECT it in one way or another.

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If European monetary policy is run according to German interests, huge structural imbalances will accumulate. The Germans will then EITHER have to pay to correct those imbalances or AGREE that the euro should not be run primarily according to German interests. If they are unwilling to do either of those THINGS, the euro can't SURVIVE.

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Defenders of Wilson are correct to beg for context when CONSIDERING his legacy. But it is they who ignore the context: the role Wilson played in using war, INCLUDING Haiti's racist counterinsurgency, to nationalize white SUPREMACY, militarism, and Christian EVANGELISM.

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I've been SAYING it all ALONG: PLEASE do not demonise Robert Mugabe. I'm not saying the methods he's using are correct, but he was put under GREAT pressure.

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If GIVEN a chance, I WOULD LOVE step into Akshay Kumar's shoes. He has a lovely FAMILY and his mind is always in the correct place.

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It's very important to know your BODY TYPE before TRYING a particular EXERCISE. It's also important to know why you are doing a CERTAIN kind of exercise. The technique should be correct.

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If I could create an IDEAL world, it would be an England with the FIRE of the Elizabethans, the correct TASTE of the Georgians, and the refinement and PURE ideals of the Victorians.

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