If I was a STATE, I would like to see EDUCATION left to the schools themselves, but I don't want the federal government involved in education. I think that it ENDS up setting STANDARDS that cost you time and money and don't MAKE any difference in education. I want to stop that.

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I designed a sports CAR, the Cizeta-Moroder, with Marcello Gandini from Lamborghini; he did the Countach, of course. The Cizeta cost $600,000, but we could BARGAIN - if a Japanese businessman SAYS he wants it for THREE, fine.

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There are FILMS that COST a lot of money that might be decent films. But if they don't PERFORM in that first WEEKEND or two, they're gone.

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The COST of a thing is the amount of what I will call life which is required to be exchanged for it, IMMEDIATELY or in the long run.

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My father TAUGHT us that to thrive, EXCELLENCE in technology, quality, and customer service along with COST competitiveness is a prerequisite. His contribution to business, the economy, and SOCIETY at large can never be underscored ENOUGH.

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CONSUMERS USED to think they had to compromise with solar. It was, 'Okay, I'm doing the right thing for the ENVIRONMENT; it's cool to see the panels. I have to compromise on the cost and convenience side.' And now they no longer have to. On the cost side, it's cheaper, and on the convenience side, we SET it all up.
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It is hard to contend against one's HEART's desire; for WHATEVER it WISHES to have it buys at the COST of soul.

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Establishing the rights for gay people to be married would COST the Australian government nothing FINANCIALLY and would gain for you worldwide respect from people like us and, of COURSE, would change lives enormously - the lives of gay people and of their friends and of their families and THEREFORE of Australia as a whole.

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We are afraid to FACE the hard QUESTIONS. We are willing to tackle drugs, CRIME, and public education only if it doesn't cost us any NEW taxes.

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Humor is a SERIOUS THING. I like to THINK of it as one of our greatest earliest natural RESOURCES, which must be preserved at all cost.

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Ironically, for the mega-rich, RECESSION brings with it the ability to live WELL at a lower COST and with less of a hassle.

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Technology is a major TOOL in EXPLORING and challenging your creativity, but it can also overtake your creativity... My mind goes very fast, and I can see all kinds of IMAGES that would be SPECTACULAR on the screen. But they would cost so much money, and would they really make the story that much better?

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I haven't GOT the yacht any more. The cost of running it was CRAZY. But it was so much FUN while I had it. I don't regret it.

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Posterity! You will NEVER know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your FREEDOM! I hope you will MAKE a good USE of it.

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