California has a SPECIAL relationship with the Internet. Many of the CORE technologies that power the Internet were INVENTED here. Many of the most successful online entrepreneurs and content creators - in business, the arts, and countless other ENDEAVORS - got their start here.

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The only THING about sanctions is that, LIKE a LOT of drone strikes, there are countless unintended victims. Cutting off AID to Uganda only increases the pain there.

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The colored race saved to the noble WOMEN of New England and the middle States MEN on whom they LEAN today for security and SAFETY. Many of my race, the representatives of these men on the field of BATTLE, sleep in the countless graves of the South.

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I FEEL LIKE my story would've been different had I had a CHANCE to play with Bron when I was 18. I've thought about it COUNTLESS times.

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I'm an actor, and I THINK some of us who are DRAWN to this work KNOW what it is to desperately want to be loved and validated: to be good at SOMETHING and not be able to do it; to come in second on COUNTLESS projects; or told that you were the first choice, but the part went to that guy who had that TV show in the '90s.

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Between 'The Godfather,' 'The Sopranos,' 'Goodfellas,' and the countless other mob STORIES that have been both critically and commercially acclaimed over the YEARS, it's not HARD to see why a game like 'Mafia Wars' works.

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We live in a WORLD where, for whatever reason, the conversations that tend to stick are the ones where 'if it bleeds, it leads.' But we've always been afraid of NEW TECHNOLOGIES in spite of the fact that they've helped improve our lives in COUNTLESS WAYS.

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I know I was a BUSINESSMAN for years, and I STAYED up COUNTLESS nights WORRYING about having to let one person GO. It's a terrible thing to do.

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I have fought on the FRONT lines to prevent ILLEGAL immigration. I know Donald TRUMP will stand with me and COUNTLESS Americans to secure our border.

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SURE, I acted in films in the Third Reich, entertainment films, which distracted countless people INSIDE and outside GERMANY from daily LIFE during war.

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I was thinking, with the TV EXPOSURE I had with WWE - and it's kind of HARD to explain to people sometimes how many countless hours you are on television when you've been on the road with WWE - I was thinking that was GOING to OPEN doors, get me auditions, and get me into a LOT of high profile roles.

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When we first created the Lyft COMMUNITY, we wanted to make cities FEEL smaller and more CONNECTED by bringing people together through transportation. In 20 months since we launched, we've seen drivers and passengers redefine the true MEANING of community through Lyft in COUNTLESS ways.

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I've wrestled RICH Swann countless TIMES. I've faced Akira Tozawa in JAPAN and America. Zack Sabre Jr. is another guy I've faced MANY times.

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It's not fun to watch your TEAM GO out, and GUYS that you've worked so hard with, and the countless hours you've put in on your own TIME to go and showcase all your hard work, and then have it TAKEN from you and then see your boys playing without you.

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It's a strange failure of the literary WORLD that Updike never QUITE received his due. DESPITE WINNING two Pulitzers and two NATIONAL Book Awards and countless other awards and honours, he was denied the Nobel.

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