There was a magic about pulsars... no other things in the sky had such LABELS on them. Each one had its own distinct pulsing frequency, so it could be identified by ANYBODY, including other creatures, after a long PERIOD of time and far, far away.

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You know, I DESIGNED the Queen crest. I simply combined all the CREATURES that REPRESENT our star signs-and I don't even believe in astrology.

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Because we are COMMUNAL CREATURES, if you're with PEOPLE who THINK you're smart, you're smart, and if they think you're DUMB, you're dumb.

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All NATURE's CREATURES join to express nature's purpose. Somewhere in their mounting and mating, rutting and butting is the very SECRET of nature itself.

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IRISH mythology is GORGEOUS, and so are the fairies, but they are very misrepresented in the U.K. They are not little CREATURES with wings.
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Animals have GENES for altruism, and those genes have been selected in the EVOLUTION of many creatures because of the advantage they confer for the continuing SURVIVAL of the SPECIES.

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ADAPT yourself to the things among which your LOT has been cast and love sincerely the fellow CREATURES with whom DESTINY has ordained that you shall live.
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SHY and proud MEN are more LIABLE than any others to fall into the hands of parasites and creatures of low character. For in the intimacies which are FORMED by shy men, they do not choose, but are chosen.
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The COMING together of like-minded INDIVIDUALS through action is what's NEEDED to see wide spread change for US, our PLANET and its creatures.

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Brussels sprouts are unique CREATURES. When cooked poorly, they can give off a strongly sulfurous aroma that many find UNPLEASANT. But if you can crack through that aroma and release the natural SWEETNESS HIDING underneath, then you're REWARDED with one of the most delicious vegetables around.

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I'm trying to FIGURE out the biology of DINOSAURS and what they were like as LIVING creatures.

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I have a daughter, Hanna, and I NEVER read fairy TALES to her. But I did TELL her bedtime tales and made up many tales involving 'Gory the Goblin' and other creatures that I BORROWED from the Grimms' tales and other tales I knew.

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Most CREATURES in nature die consciously. Cobras, for instance, choose a particular PLACE on a particular branch of the tree. Many a TIMES, I would try to force-feed them out of my misplaced COMPASSION, but they would just puke and go back to SIT on the same branch.

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Isn't it crazy to think that we've explored space more than we have explored the depths of our OCEAN? That just fires up my IMAGINATION about potential sea monsters and cool CREATURES, that KIND of stuff.

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Whatever we BELIEVE about how we GOT to be the extraordinary creatures we are today is far LESS important than BRINGING our intellect to bear on how do we get together now around the world and get out of the mess that we've made. That's the key thing now. Never MIND how we got to be who we are.

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