I'm given a lot of credit with opening the doors for CHRISTIAN fiction. It was kind of a difficult field when I GOT into it... But I don't feel like a KING.

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He that HATH LOST his CREDIT is DEAD to the WORLD.

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With the first MONEY I GOT, I built my PARENTS a house back home, gave them a string of credit CARDS, and SAID 'Go.'

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When it comes to building your business and developing a powerful network, you'll want to develop a reputation as SOMEONE who highlights others. Not only does this GIVE credit where credit is DUE, it ALSO communicates that you're secure with your success and have the ability to promote others in your INDUSTRY.

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Let me remind you that CREDIT is the lifeblood of BUSINESS, the lifeblood of PRICES and JOBS.

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When women love us, they FORGIVE us everything, even our CRIMES; when they do not love us, they give us CREDIT for NOTHING, not even our VIRTUES.

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Trying to TAKE the credit for Jamie Carragher and Steven Gerrard, who had been at the club SINCE they were EIGHT. Can you believe it? I can't.

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President Trump has a serious CREDIBILITY problem. He TRIES to TAKE credit for jobs he didn't CREATE and, with RESPECT to the F-35 program, savings that were achieved before he even took office.

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Generally, there are three rules when it comes to BORROWING money: You need to have good credit, PROOF of income and cash for a down payment. Most people have the first TWO, but it's the THIRD that trips them up. And nowhere does that come into play more than the mortgage market.

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I think one of the BIGGER ISSUES with modern-day PEOPLE is that we don't give ENOUGH CREDIT to people from history as being real. We almost treat them as these rarified beings that didn't exist the way that we do with emotions and urges and drives.

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I have been robbed of three million DOLLARS all told. Everyone TODAY is playing my stuff and I don't even get credit. Kansas City style, CHICAGO style, New Orleans style HELL, they're all Jelly Roll style.

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Congress created Fannie Mae in 1938 and Freddie Mac in 1970. For many years, these INSTITUTIONS prudently pursued their core MISSION of enhancing the availability of credit for HOUSING.

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We need a system that provides MORTGAGE credit in GOOD times and bad to a BROAD range of creditworthy borrowers.

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And usually the STUDIOS they don't want you to have CREDIT for your movies because they want to take credit for the movies because if you GET credit for your movies they've got to pay you more.

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Many KIDS come out of college, they have a credit CARD and a DIPLOMA. They don't know how to BUY a house or a car or health insurance or life insurance. They do not know BASIC microeconomics.

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