Just as CRISES can provide a TEST of ANYONE's character, they do so especially with PRESIDENTS.

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I GUESS WHENEVER I'm in the PAPER, it's dealing with bridges falling APART, budget problems, pension crises - and saying we have to tackle these problems.

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For long, HISTORY was mainly POLITICAL history, and HISTORICAL narrative was confined to an account of the most IMPORTANT crises in political life, or to an account of wars and great GENERALS.

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EVERY first-term president has to LEARN SOMETHING after he comes into OFFICE. Nobody can be completely ready for the inevitable CRISES.

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Our political SYSTEM continues to produce human RIGHTS disasters and SOCIAL crises, thereby not only constricting CHINA's own development but also limiting the progress of all of human civilization.

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Collaborative DECISION-MAKING is very POOR in CRISES.

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From the BEGINNING of time, we've had financial crises. People always blame the BANKS and for good reason. When you LOOK for the root causes, they're almost always failed GOVERNMENT policies.

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No MATTER how the financial SYSTEM is set up, no matter what the economic system is, as long as you have people, you're GOING to have financial CRISES; you're going to have BUBBLES that manifest themselves in the financial system.

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FINANCIAL crises are like FIREWORKS: they illuminate the SKY EVEN as they go POP.

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As major orchestras around the world are gripped in various KINDS of CRISES and upheaval, we NEED to be sure that we are BRINGING up this NEW generation.

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September 11 was horrific, but I've been through ENOUGH crises before that I had my own PATTERN as to how to COLLECT facts, what a leader should do, how to communicate with people, how to set up OPERATING mechanisms to work our way through it.

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You can do a lot with Scotch tape. ALMOST anything! I LOVE that you can hem a dress, and its an instant REMEDY in a FASHION crises.

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Think how WEIRD profit margins are: We've got HIGH unemployment and FINANCIAL crises - and world record profit margins. People think the American market is very cheap. We don't. The market quite incorrectly GIVES full credit to today's earnings.

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Given Mr. Obama's lack of experience as an executive, and his past performance in CRISES such as the oil SPILL, it is reasonable for those of us who SUPPORT the effort in AFGHANISTAN to worry that he will not be up to the job.

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