Basically EVERY match I RECEIVE some racist comment, and you can CROSS some racist person.

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I was this Catholic kid, and I never REALLY LOST that. I LOVED the RITUALS of Catholicism. The mass is a magic ritual; it's a transubstantiation, and the stations of the CROSS - I mean, a crown of thorns? Getting whipped? It's punk rock.

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People SAY I'm LIKE a cross between Jamie Oliver, RUSSELL Brand and Mr MOTIVATOR.

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Being genre-bending doesn't REALLY CROSS my mind. I don't CONSIDER ANYONE I work with a specific genre.

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I've got this silver necklace and silver CROSS that my mom got me that I always WEAR during GAMES. I don't know if it's superstition as much as it's the fact I wouldn't even feel RIGHT not wearing it.

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No matter where you COME from, if you SING in ENGLISH, you can CROSS over to the world.

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San DIEGO, in fact, is one of the HARDEST places to sell MEXICAN FOOD. You just cross the border into Tijuana and they have better food that's more authentic and for half the price.

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What are the values that give MEANING? What is the LINE that you will NEVER cross, because on this SIDE you're GOOD, and on this side you're evil.

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I'll do my CORE, I'll do my STRENGTH TRAINING, I'll do my occasional CROSS training if I NEED it.

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CROSS the meadow and the STREAM and LISTEN as the peaceful water BRINGS peace upon your soul.

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To do COMEDY, there are so MANY hurdles one has to CROSS.

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