Whenever we're PLAYING in FRONT of a Welsh crowd, they really do give you that extra bit to GET the WIN.

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Before the show, we SEE all these radio people, and most of them SAY, 'Garth, you're a lot calmer than I thought you were gonna be.' But when the members of the band give one ANOTHER that handshake, and the lights go out, and the crowd goes up, then you're sliding into the elevator, man, your heart is just going bopbopbopbopbop.

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I know what it feels LIKE to WALK out in front of a sold-out CROWD of a THOUSAND people that are there for you, and how good that feels, but as an opener, you just have to train yourself to think that it's going to be HARDER.

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I played shows in front of LIKE 25, 50 PEOPLE, and it's a lot harder to do your thing in front of a CROWD that's SMALL.

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MESSI often has a crowd of opponents AROUND him, but with Neymar on the pitch, too, at least TWO of those OPPOSITION PLAYERS will have to be aware of him.
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I can't TAKE a game-winner in practice. I can't shoot FREE throws in practice that simulates the game. There's no CROWD; there's no NOTHING.

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Liverpool are a very HARD team to BEAT in FRONT of their own CROWD.

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I honestly believe that if you are ABLE to ENTERTAIN and interact with the crowd, it doesn't matter what ETHNICITY you may be.

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As more PEOPLE get into indie BANDS and alternative music, they're ALSO getting more into other genres that fit those categories, like jazz and classical. It's becoming more rebellious to go to a classical concert. You're getting the younger art house crowd and regular STUDENTS as well as those who are just curious.

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Regardless of what I do, WHETHER I write a book or whether I ACT or whether I host, I'll always do stand-up comedy because those moments, that's what I crave. If I do SOMETHING funny, and I hear a crowd laugh in that moment, we're all sharing the EXACT same experience and the exact same feeling.

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No Facebook STATUS is as worrying as a VOTE and no tweet is as noticeable as an ANGRY cry from a crowd OUTSIDE a GOVERNMENT building.

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I know what happens every TIME I get in front of a UK CROWD - they just go nuts and they are so nice and EXCITED and crazy and they won't SIT down.

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The behavior of the crowd at Churchill DOWNS is like 100,000 vicious Hyenas GOING berserk all at once in a space about the size of a 777 jet or the White HOUSE lawn.

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I definitely post a lot of memes and CONTENT that's isolated to Twitter that I wouldn't be ABLE to do on stage because a live CROWD doesn't have that same frame of REFERENCE.

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It's something that has INFORMED quite a lot of my comedy - that idea of SOMEONE who is ALWAYS trying to get in there with the right crowd, always trying to be a CERTAIN type of person and never managing it.

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