Boys do cry, but I don't THINK I SHED a tear for a GOOD chunk of my TEENAGE years.

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I'm obsessed with Maggie SMITH - the way that she can be the most brilliant ACTRESS in every single SITUATION and then do Harry Potter, and still make me cry while she's CASTING spells with a wand?

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I don't want to hear songs about how sunshiny things are. I don't like songs that FEEL like RADIO candy... I like the ONES that make you think, LAUGH or cry - they pull some kind of EMOTION out of you.

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When I'm DEPRESSED and I feel low thinking that GOOD MOVIES are not made any more, then I put on his movies and I WATCH them. I laugh and I cry and I have great pleasure.

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The Kesha LYRICS to HIT SONG 'Tik Tok' are a CRY for HELP.

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Don't be afraid to cry. EVERYONE NEEDS a good cry SOMETIMES. Sometimes I'll FEEL it in my throat, like, 'Today I'm going to cry about something stupid,' so just to get it out of the WAY, I'll watch a sad movie or something, accepting that that's totally fine and feels good.

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I CRY at the DROP of a HAT.

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It is BETTER to LAUGH than CRY.

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If I'm jetlagging, and I've MISSED some MEALS, and it GETS to that point in a movie that you're SUPPOSED to cry, I'll let my defences down from around my INHERENT standing level of cynicism, and I'll cry.

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You KNOW the green grifters have no argument when they start raising the 'no blood for oil' cry on the blogs. Excuse me, if OBAMA's make-sure-your-tires-are-properly-inflated administration would SIMPLY allow more energy production here in the U.S., that wouldn't be a PROBLEM very long, would it?

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I love Jesus CHRIST. I am a Christian... I cry when I SEE INJUSTICE, CHILDREN dying of hunger.

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The MESSAGE I want to GIVE my fans is, always have a way to PULL yourself out of the DARK place. Don't sit and cry about it. Have your moment, and then GET over it.

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My grandfather was a Russian-Jewish immigrant who LIVED in Northern Ireland and apparently when he SANG in the synagogue he MADE everyone CRY.

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Is it not important to find out how to listen not only to what is being SAID but to EVERYTHING - to the NOISE in the streets, to the chatter of birds, to the noise of the tramcar, to the restless SEA, to the voice of your husband, to your wife, to your friends, to the cry of a baby?

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A movie that makes me cry EVERY time is 'Billy Elliot.' That scene where he's dancing in the HALL, and his dad walks in. And the FIRST time his dad can see how amazing he is dancing, but he's so conflicted with kind of his own FEELINGS towards it. OH, it's so emotional.

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