Why is there no CURE for cancer? Because the MEDICAL industry doesn't want one! And the pharmaceutical industry doesn't want one! Because they WOULD lose too MUCH money!

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COMPASSION will CURE more SINS than condemnation.
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Countries with HIGHER incomes on AVERAGE achieve better human DEVELOPMENT. I do not BELIEVE that growth ALONE will 'cure' poverty. But I do believe that growth is necessary.

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When I was DEALING with cancer, I was working on a book about finances. I realized that the same methodology that the doctors were using to cure me, you could USE to cure your finances. HEALTH and wealth are so linked, it's amazing.

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IDEAS devour the ages as men are devoured by their PASSIONS. When MAN is cured, human nature will CURE itself perhaps.
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Music soothes you, especially when you WRITE, SING or PLAY an instrument. It REALLY can be a CURE for everything.

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We are not brain surgeons. We are not curing CANCER. We are not FINDING the next cure for Alzheimer's. We are SIMPLY and MERELY entertainment. We take on and WEAR the masks of characters. That's what we're paid to do.

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If a BLACK DOCTOR discovers a CURE for CANCER, ain't no hospital going to lock him out.

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CURE yourself of the AFFLICTION of CARING how you appear to OTHERS. CONCERN yourself only with how you appear before God, concern yourself only with the idea that God may have of you.
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I do have at HOME the most ridiculous number of AWARDS for what I have DONE, which is nice in terms of being patted on the back, yet it does cure you of caring about what other people say about you. Ultimately, you must have your own standard of what is good enough.

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If I found a cure for a HUGE disease, while I was hobbling up ONSTAGE to accept the Nobel Prize they'd be PLAYING the THEME song from 'Three's COMPANY'.

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It's a weird THING to have a Hall of Fame for rock. It's weird that I SPENT YEARS worshiping the Cure, and here's the Chili Peppers, and then one gets in one doesn't. It's ridiculous. In my heart of hearts, it MEANS nothing to me, but I do understand it means a lot to other people. It creates positivity.

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All women should UNDERSTAND that a mammogram is nothing to be afraid of. It's not an enemy but a FRIEND. Early detection is the KEY to the CURE.

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