The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how LITTLE they really KNOW about what they IMAGINE they can DESIGN.

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I've always been curious and TAKEN many risks, but that is QUITE atypical for a woman. On the other hand, I THINK that's the only WAY to GROW beyond yourself.

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Rusbridger's CURIOUS success, especially for a temperamentally remote figure, has been to GIVE a REASONABLE face to the Guardian's quite quixotic MISSION.

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I learnt so much wit, really, from the GLOBE audiences. If you can make a CIRCLE, even in a proscenium THEATER, if you can GET a circular energy going, so that all these people are involved with it and present, then there is SOMETHING curious that happens with the imagination.

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The curious defiled past him, after squeezing the PRESIDENTIAL fingers into the room, and SETTLED either on the sofa or chairs or remained STANDING for protracted observations.

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It WOULD be curious to know what LEADS a MAN to BECOME a stationer rather than a baker, when he is no longer compelled, as among the Egyptians, to succeed to his father's CRAFT.

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I've FOUND stability. I THINK I've become STRONGER and more RELAXED. I'm more curious and interested in work, and there are more things I want to express.

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Speed is scarcely the noblest virtue of graphic composition, but it has its curious rewards. There is a sense of GETTING SOMEWHERE fast, which satisfies a native AMERICAN URGE.

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The only way we can FLY planes and use COMPUTERS is because people were curious about their world and ALSO SKEPTICAL about the THINGS they were told to be immutable, so they figured out other ways of doing things.

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Our world is drowning in a SEA of self-centeredness. You can make yourself quite unique RIGHT away by leaving this OCEAN of selfishness and choosing to be CURIOUS about other people.

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If PEOPLE like Edison had waited to make every - or Ben Franklin or some of those people had waited to solve every problem on Earth before they did their RESEARCH or before they were CURIOUS about doing something new, we'd never have made a lot of the progress we have.

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I've always been so curious about death. With my personal BELIEFS as a Baha'i, we believe that birth and death are very SIMILAR and that we're here on this EARTH to develop all of the things we can't SEE.

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I'm a curious PERSON. I like to ASK QUESTIONS. WELL, why? People would SAY, it's never been done. It's never been done does not mean that it can't be done.

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When I was YOUNGER, I didn't read that much. I was more interested in FILM and MUSIC. Now I'm CURIOUS. I WANT to know what it's all about.

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