As LONG as the dollar remains in high esteem as a trade currency, America can continue to spend more than it earns. But when the day arrives - as it certainly must - when the dollar tumbles and FOREIGNERS no LONGER want it, the FREE ride will be over.

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I think the best projects understand that they don't need to INVENT a NEW currency. They don't need to USE the BLOCK CHAIN as their long-term data storage solution. And they don't need to use the peer-to-peer network as their communication mechanism. They should use the block chain as the world's most secure distributed ledger.

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We WANT to decide how we CONTROL our BORDERS, our money, our ECONOMY, our currency.

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It's in our INTERESTS that the euro is a SUCCESSFUL, STRONG CURRENCY.

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A conception not reducible to the small CHANGE of daily experience is like a currency not exchangeable for articles of consumption; it is not a SYMBOL, but a FRAUD.

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A COMMON CURRENCY imposes on US a DUTY to cooperate more on POLICY.

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The emerging notion of the Eighties was that PUBLICITY was a currency. The OLD VIEW was that if you had a currency - your talent or your PRODUCT - publicity might draw attention to it. The new view was that publicity in itself, highlighting you, bestowed VALUE.

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Here's a CERTAINTY: When you play out your personal dramas, hurt and self-interest in the media, it's a confection. You say what you have to say in the way you have to say it to GIVE it media currency - and that's always far from the truth. OFTEN, in fact, someone ELSE says it for you. It's all PLANNED. It's all rehearsed.

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If you hang around political talkers or strategists much, you're likely to hear a LOT about authenticity. This is supposed to be the GOLDEN CURRENCY which we all look for in our LEADERS.

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The creation of a consumer agency, STRUCTURED similarly to the OFFICE of the Comptroller of the Currency, levels the PLAYING field. It gives consumers a POWERFUL advocate at the federal LEVEL.

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I BELIEVE that CURRENCY trading should not be a BUSINESS at all.

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This is what the European UNION is all about. A STRONG MARKET with a strong CURRENCY.

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The euro is... a FAILED CURRENCY, a WRONG currency, a failed EXPERIMENT.

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I LOOK FORWARD to the day when CHINA has a truly market-determined solution... To GET there, you need to have a currency that is market-determined, an open capital market, and you are going to need a COMPETITIVE, open financial system.

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China has made important contribution to the world economy in TERMS of total economic output and TRADE, and the RMB has PLAYED a role in the world economic development. But making the RMB an international currency will be a FAIRLY long PROCESS.

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