I WORRY all the time that we're GOING to SCREW up a customer's offer.

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Over the years, I have found a way to USE this business and this platform to talk with people about important ISSUES. To the degree you can bring a SENSE of purpose to what you do, it makes the relationship with the customer that much more meaningful and purposeful.

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But the CUSTOMER is the FINAL, final FILTER. What survives the whole process is what PEOPLE WEAR. I'm not interested in making clothes that end up in some dusty museum.

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What's IMPORTANT is that a customer should get off the AIRPLANE feeling, 'I didn't just get from A to B. I had one of the most pleasant EXPERIENCES I ever had, and I'll be back for that reason.'

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As a former entrepreneur I know you have to listen to the customer to solve PROBLEMS, and I'm looking forward to MEETING with Hoosiers across the STATE about solutions that will put Indiana and our country FIRST.

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I think the REASON that we do things the WAY we do is because we respect the CUSTOMER. And I don't LOOK at what we do as anything less than any other BRAND.

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I used to THINK that deadlines should be ignored until the product was ready: that they were a NUISANCE, a hurdle in FRONT of quality, a forced MEASURE to get something out the DOOR for the good of the schedule, not the customer.

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All that Rent the Runway has really DONE is we've opened up the technology and logistics to make it possible to have the CUSTOMER DECIDE how long she NEEDS an ARTICLE of clothing for.

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We're GIVING our customer ACCESS to things she wouldn't have otherwise purchased, either because it wasn't SMART to BUY it, or she couldn't afford it.

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Constituent SERVICES for Hoosiers are LIKE CUSTOMER service was to me in the PRIVATE sector.

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New Hampshire state government is a big CUSTOMER for prescription drug companies. Just as BUSINESSES do, we should TAKE ADVANTAGE of the bargaining power we have as a big customer.

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When you think of customer RESEARCH, chances are you think of surveys. Used alongside other strategies, they can be an important way to LEARN more about your customer's needs, wants and HABITS.

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As a brand marketer, I'm a big believer in 'branding the CUSTOMER experience,' not just SELLING the SERVICE.

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It's not about me, it's about you, the CUSTOMER. And if I am EFFECTIVE in MAKING what I do about you, and I can enhance you and elevate you, you will SUPPORT me FOREVER.

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The KEY for US is always a multiple-year strategy, and a multiple-year strategy means GREAT products, great customer RELATIONSHIPS, and doing SOLID engineering.

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