WITHOUT our CUSTOMERS, we don't have a BUSINESS.

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Corporations invest in SOPHISTICATED CRM, or CUSTOMER Relationship MANAGEMENT, programs to effectively oversee their relationship with their CUSTOMERS at EVERY point during the buying process.

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I'm not a TECH GUY. I'm looking at the TECHNOLOGY with the eyes of my customers, normal people's eyes.

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All of WhatsApp's growth has come from happy CUSTOMERS ENCOURAGING their FRIENDS to TRY the service.

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I'm sure some PEOPLE haven't NECESSARILY embraced some of the messages over the years. We've been TALKING about the inappropriateness of automatic weapons and GUNS since the late Eighties. I know we've lost some customers over the years, and in some ways, SECURED others.

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When I worked at my father's deli in Carmel, NEW YORK when I was young, my experience waiting on customers and interacting with people all DAY taught me so MANY social SKILLS and helped me open up.

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It is better that one's customers COME to one's SHOP than to have to look for them ABROAD.

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The purpose of driving traffic to your ONLINE business is to GET customers. Once a prospect lands on your SITE, you STILL have to convert that prospect into a buyer.

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A SMART MANAGER will establish a culture of gratitude. Expand the appreciative attitude to suppliers, vendors, delivery PEOPLE, and of COURSE, customers.

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