We NEED a TOUGH APPROACH to make justice prevail and, also, because sports should not be damaged by the VIOLENCE of hooligans.

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I DAMAGED my hamstring at the London Olympics and had to stop training for five MONTHS. At times, I THOUGHT my CAREER was over.

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The artist's JOB, I think, is to be a conduit for mystery. To intuit it, and recognize that the STORY-germ has some inherent mystery in it, and sort of midwife that mystery into the story in such a way that it isn't damaged in the process, and may EVEN get heightened or REFINED.

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Basically, my hair is very dry from all the backcombing! Hairdressers PREFER if your hair is dry and DAMAGED, as it MAKES it easier to style.

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The abolition and SUFFRAGE movements progressed when UNITED and were DAMAGED by DIVISION; we should REMEMBER that.

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I'm not a proponent of STAYING TOGETHER and being MISERABLE and DAMAGED and coming through ACTUALLY a more battered person.

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By the END of World War II, we were the most POWERFUL and LEAST damaged of the great nations. We ALSO had most of the money. America's hegemony LASTED exactly five years.

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My LEFT foot is severely DAMAGED from TSS, and I'm probably going to have to amputate my left leg. I could be super DEPRESSED about it, but I have been given a second CHANCE. I'm here, and I'm living.

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Whenever any GREAT song or ALBUM gets LOST in the ether, someone is deprived of the joy of hearing it, and the great effort of those who CREATED and recorded the work is damaged.

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I guess I am an OPTIMIST in a PESSIMIST brain, if that makes any SENSE. I BELIEVE in the innate goodness of most people in this world, and yet I'm a damaged soul LIKE many other people and have my own demons and things I struggle with.

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It's craziness to see yourself as damaged goods, so I was the goofy kid who'd STOP a strange adult and say, 'Do you KNOW how to get to Palm Avenue?' They'd say no, and I'd say, 'You GO two blocks and TURN right. You can't MISS it.'

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My HEROES and heroines are OFTEN unlikely people who are dragged into situations without meaning to become involved, or people with a past that has never quite LEFT them. They are often isolated, introspective people, often confrontational or anarchic in some WAY, often DAMAGED or secretly unhappy or incomplete.

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I used to GET so carried AWAY while I was on stage that I'd be physically damaged by the END of a concert.

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One of the things I have noticed about my novels is that they all concern PEOPLE who can't quite bring themselves to TELL the truth about their own lives... I've COME to realise that this interest in DAMAGED, untellable STORIES comes from my parents.

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I was very into SWIMMING, but I was never into contact sports. I think it was because I knew I wasn't GOING to GET DAMAGED.

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