I remember, when they started remaking 'Star Wars,' the FURY that surrounded that whole THING, and, 'How DARE they?' But now, that's just a COMMON denominator.
Mutual funds dare to be average. In fact, they dare to be LOUSY. They have long SINCE ceased STRIVING for ANYTHING resembling perfection when it comes to managing your money.
Volvo is like a MYSTERIOUS, beautiful WOMAN. We just look at her from far away, AMAZED. We don't dare get CLOSE to her. We're just a BUNCH of farm boys.
My MANTRA is, 'Dare to be...' I leave it open-ended, because depending on the mood, the WEATHER, the day, you MIGHT need a different power word. Having a power word can help STEER you in the right direction, especially when things aren't going your way.
PEOPLE with a LOT of MONEY aren't in the business of throwing it AWAY, and those paying footballers' wages, organising parking spaces for dead sharks, and even, dare I SAY it, buying iPads, are doing it because, for them, it's worth the money.
I even don't dare to watch our stock price, because this is what other PEOPLE think who you are. I dare not watch it. I think, let the market take CARE of themselves; we should take care of the BUSINESS.
When I SPEAK of the fear, intimidation, arrests, and public shaming of INTELLECTUALS and religious leaders who dare to speak their minds, and then I TELL you that I'm from Saudi Arabia, are you SURPRISED?