I studied the lives of JAZZ SINGERS who would tour Europe, and... what I learned was life was BIG ride for them. They'd seen the dark side of humanity... but touring the world playing jazz, it was a truly carefree way of living. A great ESCAPISM, if you LIKE.

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We were already, in 1981, bemoaning the FACT that people were USING CERTAIN accessorised ideas and images that they connected with US - sort of strange buildings and neo-fascist regimes and the 'dark side' of human culture.

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My habit would have been to veer towards the dark - to prove I was SOMETHING; edgy, or MAYBE to prove that I was cognisant of the dark side. Now, with age and CONFIDENCE, I can say, yeah, that's true, but I am cognisant of the fact that people can do things well. And can be more loving than you expect.

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The Ewoks were definitely a challenge of writing 'The Jedi Doth Return.' After having DONE so many things with characters who don't SPEAK English, how was I going to make them stand out? Jedi is also rich with emotional material, PARTICULARLY Darth Vader's TRANSFORMATION from the dark SIDE back to the good.

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EVERYBODY has a DARK SIDE. It's just we are very in TOUCH with it.

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We don't LIKE preaching, we don't like love SONGS, we don't like fun songs. We just like the DARK SIDE.

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I seem to GRAVITATE toward the dark side of things when it comes to DIRECTING. I love action, but I love the DRAMA as WELL.

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I'm not surprised that I TEND to go for the dark side. I was a REALLY scared KID, so I think I UNDERSTAND what SCARES people.

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I wanna buy vinyl and I WANT to listen to records on it. I want to put on 'Dark SIDE of the Moon' in the dining room while I'm eating PASTA or WHATEVER. You know what I mean.

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EVERY TOWN has its dark side, but I spend time in New YORK for my dark inspiration.

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If you want to tell GROWN-UP FAIRY TALES, you have to LOOK for the dark SIDE.

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You'd have to SPEND a lot of TIME with me before I'd be COMFORTABLE enough to show my dark side.

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We MAKE assumptions: nurses should be NICE, teachers should be GOOD. But everyone has a DARK side, some darker than OTHERS.

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I loved when the superhero genre crosses with horror. Morbius. Those are the guys I gravitated towards. Blade. So for me, to be interested in doing a superhero movie, it would need to be on the DARK SIDE or a Jack Kirby property. Kamandi, Demon, MR. MIRACLE - I LOVE any Kirby.

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