ESPN is all MEAT and POTATOES. It's pretty MUCH scouting reports. There isn't a great DEAL of HUMOR, and when there is, it's pretty sophomoric.

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The NEW Deal was going to redistribute the NATIONAL income according to ideals of social and economic JUSTICE.

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I have to say that if our global alliances are going to be alliances with Hezbollah and Hamas and Hugo Chavez's Venezuela and Vladimir Putin's Russia, there is absolutely no chance of BUILDING a world-wide alliance that can deal with POVERTY and inequality and climate CHANGE and financial instability, and we've got to FACE up to that fact.

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It's one of the THINGS that 'Everwood' - what makes a great 'Everwood' episode is when it makes you laugh and CRY, sometimes at the same time. From the first SEASON, we've ALWAYS had the chance to deal with death in a very real way, in a way that a lot of other shows can't or don't.

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No single solution or actor can DEAL with the complex and interrelated challenges to electoral integrity arising from manipulated data, hate speech, and FAKE NEWS. These phenomena are not new; they have been part of electoral cycles since the advent of democracy.

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When my, British-Church of ENGLAND mother MARRIED my, Canadian-Jewish Father, the deal was that she would embrace Judaism, but wouldn't give up her Christmas tree. So, I grew up with Christmas every year. I LOVED it then and I LOVE it now.

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I was never the smartest GUY in the room. From the first PERSON I HIRED, I was never the smartest guy in the room. And that's a big deal. And if you're going to be a LEADER - if you're a leader and you're the smartest guy in the world - in the room, you've got real problems.

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When you are at HOME, even if the chicken is a little BURNT, what's the big DEAL? RELAX.

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Let's MAKE it so the more you invest in YOUTUBE, the BETTER DEAL YouTube GETS for you.

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I THINK success has no RULES, but you can LEARN a great deal from FAILURE.

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When I look back on my life, I overpaid for my BIG successes every TIME. And when I tried to GET a BARGAIN, get it a little cheaper or get a better deal on it, I ended up usually either getting it and not happy I got it. Or missing it.

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Anybody who has a career is GOING to have to DEAL with a rumor in their time, or something that usually isn't TRUE. I have a great team behind me and a family that supports me. I just CARE too much about my career. I have been working too long to let it slip away for something stupid.

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If I were not ABLE to separate the art from the artists, I THINK I would LIMIT myself a great deal, and life wouldn't be nearly as INTERESTING.

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The ability to deal with people is as purchasable a commodity as SUGAR or COFFEE and I will PAY more for that ability than for any other under the SUN.

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