I had a stormy graduate career, where EVERY week we WOULD have a shouting MATCH. I kept doing deals where I would SAY, 'Okay, let me do neural nets for another six months, and I will prove to you they work.' At the end of the six months, I would say, 'Yeah, but I am almost there. Give me another six months.'

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And having suffered for PART of the war when I was a child. I was too young to really understand what was going on but one of my favorite pieces of ANIMATION now is that GOODBYE Blue SKY in The Wall because that deals directly with that PERIOD in time.

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Americans are very FRIENDLY and very SUSPICIOUS, that is what Americans are and that is what ALWAYS upsets the foreigner, who DEALS with them, they are so friendly how can they be so suspicious they are so suspicious how can they be so friendly but they just are.

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Let it be UNDERSTOOD that I am INTERESTED in MAKING multimillion-dollar BUSINESS DEALS.

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A lot of times, my WORK is LOOKED at very MUCH on the surface. It's very easy to just want to PUT something in a box - to say, 'Oh, since this work deals with surface desires at times, this is about consumerism.' And of course, the base of the work is... not about economics at all.

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There are a lot of actors who try to GET records made and try to MAKE record DEALS, and everybody goes, 'Ugh.' It used to be EXPECTED in the entertainment BUSINESS. I mean look at Sinatra, Bing Crosby. All these guys started out as singers.

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LOWER taxes, LESS regulations, less lawsuits, deals that support U.S. manufacturers is all very POSITIVE.

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I have a problem with the WAY the MEDIA DEALS with a lot of law enforcement issues.

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I think it's hard to know how one DEALS in SITUATIONS of confrontation until you're actually in there, so I'm not GOING to SPECULATE on what I WOULD do.

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A lot of people were getting million-dollar DEALS from music I felt was TRASH, because their videos were going viral. I WANTED to PUT out music that had soul, because that's what was missing.

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I HATE POLITICS, hate DEALS, and deal-making, hate MEETING with attorneys and agents.

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I focus on consumer INTERNET. Sometimes it's a working prototype; sometimes it's an idea on a napkin. I don't do a ton of DEALS a YEAR, and I REALLY like working with startups - it's the only WAY I can invest. It fits my ADD brain.

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I was a late bloomer. I was 38 when my first BOOK was out and 43 when my first CRIME novel was out. I had a STORY that could only be told as a crime story. I think the genre is good; it deals with the fundamental questions of life and death. The problem is there are too many BAD crime stories.

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Chrysler invented rebates, I'm sorry to say. I didn't have anything to do with that. A LOT of flaky DEALS were made in order to GIVE the CUSTOMER enough cash for a down payment.

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