The car is not a rabbit or a DEER that jumps AROUND in sweeping lines, but it is a man-made work of technology in NEED of an APPROPRIATE roadway.

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As PART of the RITUAL of becoming a man, my maternal UNCLE, a judge, and his four sons, each older than me, TOOK me DEER hunting.

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The most powerful Vietnam movie, to me, was 'The DEER Hunter,' which was more about what happened to the FOLKS who went and about their RELATIONSHIPS.

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I have pictures of me FEEDING DEER and possums with BABY bottles. I am such an ANIMAL LOVER.

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My dad WOULD take me DEER hunting with him, which was PRETTY TRAUMATIC - 'Bambi' was one of my favorite movies.

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When MEN act up by being degrading, dismissive, condescending, SHUT off, or sullen, that can OFTEN dumbfound you as a woman and get you off balance. At that point, you can FEEL and look like a deer in the headlights, which makes you even more VULNERABLE to such a man's next volley of vitriol.

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'Deer HUNTER' is a MOVIE; it is not an ATTEMPT to WRITE HISTORY.

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