If we were going to DEFAULT, we would have DECIDED that MANY months ago. It would be wrong for the Greek economy, it would be wrong for the European economy, it would make things worse in the END. That's why we're TAKING the pain and making these structural reforms, and we're on target.

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Default choices OFTEN remain unchanged for no reason other than being the default, EITHER because of this lack of INFORMATION or HUMANS' status quo BIAS.

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There's something structurally integrated with FOREIGN coverage. REPORTERS OFTEN DEFAULT to thinking of their GOVERNMENT as the sort of ultimate authority.

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So you KNOW, everyone points out Greece's DEFAULT RECORD, but the history of a lot of SOVEREIGN nations is not a GOOD one when it comes to lending them money.

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We RARELY have good alternatives to OFFER to PRISON - that's our DEFAULT.

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I see myself as more of a STUDENT, that I LOVE to get down into the weeds of different PROBLEMS and try to go through that. I don't mind messaging, but I'm going to default back to the research SIDE of things.

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I'm definitely focusing all of my ATTENTION on ACTING. MODELING comes up by DEFAULT, and I love it - of course I think that it's great - but I'm definitely focusing all of my attention on acting.

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In fact, I think - our view of this is that while the agreement, the compromise did not achieve the KIND of super-sized deficit reduction that we sought, it did END the uncertainty around the perception, the POSSIBILITY that the UNITED States might default on its obligations for its first TIME. That was a good thing.

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The entertainment INDUSTRY is a microcosm of the REAL world. To be 'othered' WITHIN the industry is a reflection of where we have been cast in the OUTSIDE world, existing in the margins of society for DECADES witnessing cisgendered, heterosexual whiteness as the clearly defined default to which we must cater.

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There is absolutely no WAY that the U.S. will EVER default on its DEBT. We are not going to do that.

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As both an essayist and SCIENCE fiction and fantasy novelist, I write about and for the FUTURE. I talk about the past to remind us that what we BELIEVE has always been true - that men and women are somehow static categories, or that men in power has always been the default, or that same-sex love AFFAIRS were always taboo - has not always been thus.

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Make pumpkin bread as the DEFAULT gift for EVERYONE. It is CHEAP, it is BELOVED, it is carbs.

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My face FROWNS by DEFAULT, so when I'm most CALM is when I appear the least approachable.

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I know SOMEONE might look at a creative person's job and think it's pretty fun. It is. It's the best thing in the world, but it's also EXTREMELY challenging to carve out your own completely unique PATH and not FOLLOWING a DEFAULT path that someone else has already paved.

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My default answer to most of the questions my KIDS ASK me is 'no.' I just START with 'no.' I let them fight for it a LITTLE bit.

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