In POLITICS, almost everywhere we see what LOOKS LIKE the externalisation of psychic WOUNDS or deficits.

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Our fiat CURRENCY is under increasing stress with our large and growing trade deficits. We have a FEDERAL deficit that is calculated in the trillions when we take into account the net PRESENT VALUE of the future Social Security and Medicaid OBLIGATIONS we are creating today.

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Chronic deficits drastically REDUCE government's ability to make those infrastructure INVESTMENTS that business needs to grow and CREATE jobs.

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REPUBLICANS profess to be against deficits, but they are EXPERTS at CREATING and exacerbating deficits.
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OBAMA did inherit a DEFICIT when he came into office. Why this fact JUSTIFIES racking up vastly more debt and BIGGER deficits is a logical MYSTERY.
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The laws of NORMAL economics DICTATE that lower taxes combined with increased SPENDING will LEAD to bigger deficits.

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The party in POWER ALMOST ALWAYS unapologetically engages in deficit spending, while the other party argues passionately against the EVILS of debt and deficits.

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