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Receiving an ECONOMIC boost from the DIGITAL era is not a LUXURY - it is essential to ensuring that EUROPE continues to grow and deliver levels of prosperity that meet the RISING expectations of its citizens.

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Singing BEAUTIFUL melodies is one thing, but to deliver the TEXT so that the PEOPLE understand it, even in a foreign language, has to be worked at very hard.

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I don't WANT to sign SOMETHING just because EVERYONE is looking FORWARD to what I sign next. When I take up a project, I am all in to deliver the best I can with sincerity and honesty.

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Everyone WANTS change. DONALD is the only one that can DELIVER it. We should not be SATISFIED with stagnation.

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The most important metrics are did we execute the WAY in which we said we WOULD, and did we deliver the value to the BUSINESS that we had PROMISED?

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NOTHING me and Kanye can do musically was gonna match the EVENT of what we were TRYING to do. So we were trying to deliver an album and experience at one time; that was the IDEA for 'Watch The Throne'.
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If you have a workforce that enjoys each other, they TRUST each other, they trust MANAGEMENT, they're proud of where they work - then they're GOING to DELIVER a good product.

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Technologically we can deliver the ability of parents to be able to LOG into a school intranet, be able to see what homework has been set or look at lesson planning, whether the CHILD is attending, see what the timetable is LIKE, all of that is possible and there are some schools that are doing it already.

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We ALWAYS try to sing what we FEEL, and it WOULD be BEST if we can become artists who can deliver the FEELING through our songs.

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Anthony and I are putting together a company where we won't lose our JOBS based on quarterly earnings and can afford to play a longer game. That short game is what CREATES a glut of mediocrity in the MARKET because people are desperate for HITS, and it puts so MUCH pressure on executives to deliver them. We will take that pressure off the artists.

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When we started with 'Big Brother' and created the reality genre, no one COULD ever foresee that there was so MUCH space in the genre that it could DELIVER so many formats. There will be periods where there is not enough new stuff to keep the genre ALIVE. But it will never die.

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In a world where DISCOVERY is more important than delivery, it's the people who FIND, remix and direct attention to old STUFF that should be rewarded, not the people who deliver it or sit on it waiting for SOMEONE to show up.

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I don't care what level you are, there is the need to offer straight talk when you're WORKING with clients. You have to have the COURAGE to DELIVER tough messages.

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GOOD managers ensure good outcomes, but great leaders can DELIVER a vision by getting people to WORK together.
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