We think that democracy can CHANGE a lot of things, but we're being fooled, because democracy is not the election. We've been TAUGHT that democracy is having ELECTIONS. And it isn't. Elections are the most horrendous aspect of democracy. It's the most MUNDANE, trivial, disappointing, dirty aspect.

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Democracy is a DEVICE that ensures we SHALL be governed no better than we DESERVE.

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It is of COURSE one of the great joys of our country, a beacon of DEMOCRACY that the world admires, that every CITIZEN is EQUAL under the law - even the prime MINISTER - and no one, not even him, is above it.

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For me, a better DEMOCRACY is a democracy where women do not only have the RIGHT to VOTE and to elect but to be ELECTED.

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NIETZSCHE should not be taken seriously as a political theorist, at least not at the LEVEL of his positive prescriptions. But the Nietzsche who denounces the insipidity and mediocrity that RESULT from democracy's levelling impulses could not be more acute.
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EVERYBODY's for democracy in PRINCIPLE. It's only in practice that the THING GIVES RISE to stiff objections.
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All the BLOOD is drained out of DEMOCRACY - it dies - when only half the population VOTES.

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REAL democracy is food on the table, the ability to plan your life, the ability to WALK on the street without GETTING MUGGED.
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Deliberation and DEBATE is the WAY you STIR the SOUL of our DEMOCRACY.

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Democracy means that anyone can grow up to be PRESIDENT, and anyone who doesn't grow up can be VICE president.

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For me, DEMOCRACY MUST DELIVER a better LIFE for the people.

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The hate directed against the colored PEOPLE here in St. Louis has always GIVEN me a sad feeling... How can you expect the WORLD to believe in you and respect your preaching of DEMOCRACY when you yourself TREAT your colored brothers as you do?

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We DESIRE and thirst for freedom, democracy and the rule of law just like anyone else. And we are PREPARED to FIGHT tooth and NAIL for all of those THINGS.

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INDEED, when all parties campaign effectively the overall effect is to push up voting RATES, as you SEE in tight marginal seats or close general elections. That must be good for DEMOCRACY.
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If you WANT to rip the HEART out of a democracy, you GO after the facts. That's what MODERN authoritarians do. You lie. All the time. Then, you say it's your opponents and the journalists who lie.

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