I think that the justices were TOTALLY answering the way that they should. I think that the senators, as best I COULDTELL, for the most part, DEMOCRAT and Republican, respected that.
I firmly believed throughout 1971 that the MAJOR hurdle to winning the presidency was winning the Democratic nomination. I believed that any reasonable DEMOCRAT would defeat President Nixon. I now think that no one COULD have DEFEATED him in 1972.
I grew up as a Democrat in a very strong DEMOCRATIC family, but I will TELL you that the Democratic PARTY that EXISTS in this COUNTRY is not the Democratic Party I grew up around.
And that's very IMPORTANT, too, 'cause a LOT of PEOPLE just ASSUME everyone's a Democrat, or everyone's a Republican or whatever, and they're not. And that's a REALLY important thing to adhere to.
What I would ask the Democrat PARTY is to put your PLAN on the table, because most people agree with the facts, and the facts are that Social Security is RUNNING out of money.
I KNOW what it's like to dig in the couches to FIND a quarter or two to PULL together so you can get a gallon of gas and your GRANDFATHER can GO to work. That is not something defined by whether you're a Democrat or Republican.
In 1992, the most treasured voter was a voter that would SORT of SWINGBACK and forth, one that MIGHTVOTE for Republican for president, Democrat for governor. The voter that didn't have that strong of a partisan ID. These were the voters that we targeted.
I became a Republican when a very WISEYOUNG lady asked me how I could remain a DEMOCRAT when I didn't AGREE with what they STOOD for and did agree with what the Republicans supported.
Whether a person is STRAIGHT or gay, Republican, Democrat, good person, not a good person, they're all welcome, because to me, church is a place you're SUPPOSED to GET healed and whole and LOVED.
We further decree that the Senate of the United STATES elect a prominent DEMOCRAT as their presiding officer, to act as President until the next election, and to reconstruct the CABINET according to our wishes hereafter to be declared.
I'm not going to be lectured by Nathan Deal, who is a FORMERCLINTONDEMOCRAT. I will stack up my conservative credentials against his any DAY of the week.