I vehemently DENY that I was BORN a cynic and a PESSIMIST.

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I COULD NEVER DENY myself bein' an ARTIST.

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It is ALWAYS easier to BELIEVE than to DENY. Our MINDS are NATURALLY affirmative.

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No man who knows aught, can be so STUPID to DENY that all MEN NATURALLY were born free.

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If a voter initiative can DENY gay PEOPLE access to TRADITIONAL representative, democratic processes, then in California, any other small, historically disadvantaged MINORITY group can also be denied the right of representative.

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Of course, nobody would deny the importance of human beings for theological THINKING, but the TIME span of history that theologians THINK about is a few thousand years of human culture rather than the fifteen billion years of the history of the universe.

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I THINK we have to BELIEVE we are here for some PURPOSE, and I KNOW there are MANY cynics who will deny it, but they don't live as if they deny it.

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My time in the WORLD RALLY Championship has been a useful STAGE in my career, but I can't DENY the fact that my hunger for F1 has recently BECOME overwhelming.

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I do not deny my German IDENTITY. But I ALSO FEEL Swiss. Of my eight great-grandparents, seven were BORN Swiss. I have been living in SWITZERLAND for more than 50 years.

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All the best ART and MUSIC feels LIKE some type of truth - EVEN if it's really simple - that you just can't deny. A LISTENER can feel that.

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The same PEOPLE who can DENY OTHERS EVERYTHING are FAMOUS for refusing themselves nothing.

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GOD is, even THOUGH the whole world deny him. Truth stands, even if there be no public SUPPORT. It is self-sustained.
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To deprive a man of his natural liberty and to DENY to him the ordinary amenities of LIFE is WORSE then STARVING the body; it is starvation of the soul, the dweller in the body.

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No one WOULD DENY that feeling envy is unpleasant, or that feeling envious sometimes LEADS us down a path we wish we hadn't taken. Envy is frequently corrosive and DESTRUCTIVE.

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The beauty of America is that I don't have to deny my past to affirm my PRESENT. No one does. We can love this NATION LIKE a parent and still embrace our ancestral home like cherished grandparents.

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