A discrete series is a series of TERMS each of which is empirically derived, each one of which is empirically TRUE. And this is the reason for the fragmentary CHARACTER of those poems.

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A pure MATHEMATICAL SERIES would be one in which each TERM is derived from the preceding term by a rule.

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TV - a clever contraction derived from the WORDS Terrible Vaudeville. However, it is our LATEST MEDIUM - we CALL it a medium because NOTHING's well done.

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Speculative JOY, the joy derived from being RIGHT and being rewarded, MAY well be similar to the RUSH felt by a winning gambler.

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The principle of equity FIRST came into evidence in ROMAN jurisprudence and was derived by ANALOGY from the PHYSICAL meaning of the word.

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MYSTERY SCIENCE Theater is really a postmodern SHOW, it's really derived of MANY influences.

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Within SIX months of STARTING my Ph.D. WORK in 1956, I had already obtained FEEDING tadpoles derived from transplanted nuclei of embryonic cells.

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Whatever it is, music should sound SPONTANEOUS, I've derived a great DEAL of pleasure from playing JAZZ and having the KNOWLEDGE of that SPONTANEITY.

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SOMETIMES, for me, lyrics are derived from POEMS that I'm working on, and they KIND of cross back and FORTH between the two.

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I don't know if I've EVER derived such an IMMEDIATE sense of calm and WELL-BEING from any book as I did from 'Right Ho, Jeeves.' It was LIKE I was Pac-Man and the book was a power-up.

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From one SOUL of the UNIVERSE are all SOULS derived.

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WISDOM is not wisdom when it is derived from BOOKS ALONE.

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I BELIEVE this: There is a LOT of DISCIPLINE to be derived from FREEDOM.

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I have derived enormous CONFIDENCE from being a HUSBAND and FATHER.

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