Most people prepare for travels by reading about their destination; it always seemed an odd approach to me. I find it much EASIER and more PLEASANT to focus with the sights and SMELLS of a PLACE rattling AROUND in my mind.
Cuba is like going to a whole other planet. It's so DIFFERENT but it's so SIMILAR to the United States, to Miami. It's like a doppelgaenger. It's the mirror image. And I have no DOUBT, that once Cuba BECOMES democratic, that it will be the favorite tourist destination for Americans.
You don't just leave LOS Angeles. Such a departure requires MAGICAL intervention. You can't simply purchase a ticket to ANOTHER destination. You MUST disappear.
I always THOUGHT the Vancouver OLYMPICS would be my last destination, but I'm extending it to Sochi... I WANT to START anew, not as an Olympic medalist but just as yet another figure skater.
What comes to me ALWAYS is a character, a scene, a moment. That's going to be the beginning. Then, as I write, I BEGIN to PERCEIVE an ending. I begin to see a destination, although sometimes that CHANGES. And then, of course, there's the whole MIDDLE section looming.
We don't all have to take the same coordinates to get to the same destination. Being a young AFRICAN American female artist, I want to OPEN doors for young BLACKGIRLS.