I saw Roland Barthes's 'Mourning DIARY' at a bookshop, and I FELT it was like I was destined to see the BOOK. I read it all in one GO while I was in the shop. The book was MIND-BLOWING.

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At FIRST, when we had the Golden Truth, it was FUN - but it was always in the BACK of my head that I'm destined for so much more. I can be so much better than this, than the old comedy act that they want me to be.

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When I FIRST got into the SPORT, or first got into ATHLETICS, I always felt that sense of responsibility that I was destined for something bigger, that I was going to do something major.

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WHATEVER you're destined to do, you will be.
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With the right support, a child growing up in a dysfunctional household, who was destined for a lifetime on benefits could be put on an entirely different TRACK - one which sees them move into fulfilling and SUSTAINABLE work. In doing so, they will pull themselves out of POVERTY.

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When we foster an ECONOMY without hope, we GUARANTEE that a segment of our POPULATION will be destined to know homelessness on a permanent basis, and not for the one night I voluntarily spent at a SHELTER.

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MOTHER and DAD were destined to have a gaggle of children. We WOULD not have been complete if they had stopped at two or four or EVEN six. NINE of us we had to be.
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I realised as a teenager that I was destined for a creative life and found that FASHION design was SOMETHING I ENJOYED and was a potentially successful CAREER path.

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I like to have PROJECTS that BELONG completely to me. If DONE right, it can also pay better. But the MAJORITY of my projects are still destined for PUBLISHERS.

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Starting a COMPANY in SAN Francisco when we did usually meant it was destined to be a data-driven TECH company. But that didn't seem to fully encompass what we wanted with Airbnb. When we tried looking through a tech lens, it didn't work. The humanity was MISSING.

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When the period arrives - come when it may - that this GOVERNMENT will be compelled to resort to internal taxes for its SUPPORT in time of peace, it will mark one of the most difficult and DANGEROUS stages through which it is destined to pass.

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I've ALWAYS been obsessed about how people CHOOSE - or are destined - for the paths they TAKE.

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A LOT of people love to THROW the social climber THING at people who are on the rise, but it's really just God moving all the people that are DISTRACTIONS, all the obstacles, out of the way for me to achieve what I'm destined to achieve.

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My mother told me that when I was born a wave of FEELING CAME over her. She just knew that I was destined to be an ACTRESS.

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There are PEOPLE who are destined to EMBRACE endless pain and suffering, and there are people who desire to dream. Everybody DREAMS, of course. But does anybody desperately want to dream more than the people of North Korea?

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