The stakes in CONFLICT do not CHANGE. BATTLE determines who will control the wealth or its EQUIVALENT.

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I FEEL that FORM determines how READERS READ a book and how they judge it.

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It's my personal opinion, and I'm not espousing it to ANYBODY else, I think your immune system and how healthy you are determines how you react to any excess of any KIND.

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The WAY a TEAM PLAYS as a WHOLE determines its SUCCESS.

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HISTORY is so SUBJECTIVE. The teller of it determines it.
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Our MORAL PHILOSOPHY determines our values - what we CARE about and what we don't care about - and our values determine our decisions, actions, and BELIEFS. Therefore, moral philosophy applies to everything in our LIVES.

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There is a shop close to where I live, outside which, on certain nights of the MONTH - I've no idea if the transit of the moon determines precisely when - FANS of DESIGNER skateboards queue from early evening in order - well in order, I PRESUME - to be among the first to jump on a skateboard when the shop OPENS in the morning.

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From the described experiment it is CLEAR that the MERE act of eating, the food even not reaching the STOMACH, determines the stimulation of the gastric glands.

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Well, marriage doesn't FUNCTION in the WAY it used to in terms of deciding our fate, but it's in our heads, and it determines a lot of our actions. Like, RIGHT now, if you think about gay marriage - and they just started having the first gay marriages in NEW York - it shows what a potent idea marriage REMAINS for people.

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I don't EVER REALLY feel that wearing my wedding RING is what determines me being married or not.

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Your PHILOSOPHY determines WHETHER you will GO for the disciplines or CONTINUE the ERRORS.

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The awareness that health is DEPENDENT upon habits that we control makes us the first GENERATION in history that to a large EXTENT determines its own destiny.

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I THINK how you start the day MANY times determines what KIND of day you're GOING to have.

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Our ATTITUDE TOWARD LIFE determines life's attitude TOWARDS US.

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The common CLASS of MANKIND are actuated by no nobler PRINCIPLE than that of SELF-INTEREST; this and this ALONE determines all adventurers in privateers: the owners, as well as those whom they employ.

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