I further VALUE this gift as it GAVE me an opportunity to accept this distinguished honor in a COUNTRY so DEVOTED to this cause and whose history marks a wonderful chapter in world development.

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Over the years, a NUMBER of other INTRIGUING experimental ideas and areas of INVESTIGATION have been the OBJECTS of my attention, and I have devoted some TIME and effort to exploring the inherent possbilities.

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If I had it to do over, I MIGHT have finished school first, then devoted all my time to StumbleUpon INSTEAD of dividing my time between the TWO. In the END, however, it was probably GOOD to take the time I did.

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I DEVOTED myself to writing for years without representation or a PROMISE of anything. And there were TIMES when I felt quite down about my prospects.

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To that movement, consecrated by religious PRINCIPLE, sustained by an AWFUL SENSE of justice, and cheered by the brightest hopes of FUTURE good, all our POWERS, talents, and attainments are devoted.

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There should be no schools, BRIDGES or statues devoted to Trump. His name should LIVE in infamy, and he should be REMEMBERED, if at all, for precisely what he was - not a PRESIDENT, but a blundering CHEAT.

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I've seen MOVIES that are slavishly DEVOTED to BOOKS but don't work because they haven't turned it into a movie: they've turned it into a dramatisation of the DIFFERENT scenes.

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Former vice president Al Gore has DEVOTED his post-administration years to a mission to tell the world about GLOBAL warming. It's funny, but in his CIVILIAN LIFE Gore has discovered the voice that voters had trouble hearing when he RAN for president in 2000. The voice he has found is clear, impassioned, and moving.

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THEATER has ALWAYS been SOMETHING that I've had an interest in, but I was NEVER a devoted fanatic theater-goer.

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Of course, I love FOOTBALL, but I'm not one of those die-hard fans that never MISS a GAME or with rooms devoted to TEAM colors. At the end of the DAY, it's just a game.

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The Electoral College is PROVIDED for in Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution. More SPACE in the Constitution is devoted to laying out the Electoral College than to any other concept in the document.

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I've been looking for an opportunity to BREAK into the Chinese market DUE to its devoted and passionate audience and have found the perfect PARTNER in Cristal PICTURES.

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GROWING up in the '70s and '80s, science FICTION and especially FANTASY had such a stigma attached to them. I felt so PUNISHED and exiled for being devoted to these things.

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All the information you COULD want is constantly streaming at you LIKE a runaway truck - books, newspaper stories, Web sites, apps, how-to videos, this article you're reading, EVEN entire magazines devoted to single subjects like charcuterie or WEDDING CAKES or pickles.

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I always admire the French and the ITALIANS who are very devoted to their marriages. They TAKE them extremely seriously, but it is UNDERSTOOD that there might be other visitors at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. You just never boast about. They never say anything, but that's what keeps marriages TOGETHER.

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