People ALWAYS MAKE me uncomfortable when they ASK me: 'Who's this SONG about?' I feel like I let you read my diary and now we have to have a conversation about it! I already let you read it, let's just LEAVE it at that.

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When you're shooting super-low-budget - we had 20 days to SHOOT 'Diary,' and a LITTLE over $2 - time is MONEY.

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After 'Land,' I WANTED to do something about emerging media and CITIZEN JOURNALISM, so I got this IDEA for 'Diary of the Dead.'

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In 2007, 'Diary of the DEAD' all of a SUDDEN MADE MONEY. I was blindsided by that.

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I did not find that WRITING a diary with a LEAD male character differed in any essential way from writing one with a female character. They all had the same CHALLENGES in terms of attempting to establish an identity, coping with LONELINESS, friendships, relationships.

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KEEP a DIARY, and SOMEDAY it'll keep you.
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In the early '90s, I wrote a play called 'Word of MOUTH' in which I played a NUMBER of DIFFERENT CHARACTERS. One was a thirteen-year-old BOY who, through a series of diary entries, realizes that he's gay.

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My books should feel like you're getting a peek into a private world: a diary no one was MEANT to read. As soon as I start thinking, 'This BOOK is GOING to be PUBLISHED,' my drawing becomes CALCULATED and deliberate. It's one of the ways I trick myself.

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EARLY in my life, WITHOUT any supporting EVIDENCE, I fretted over what I believed was my fate: ACCIDENTALLY becoming an international pop star. The pages of my diary were filled with hypothetical ETHICAL dilemmas.
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I sketch while I'm on SET, and it's a WAY for me to RECORD all of the locations I've been to. I don't keep a DIARY but a sketchbook.

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COMPOSING is what drives me; it's not the PURSUIT of fame. My SONGS are LIKE pages in a diary.
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One WEEK after MOVING to Rome, I started WRITING in my diary in ITALIAN.

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I like to read my DIARY occasionally to remind myself what a miserable, alienated OLD sod I USED to be.

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I am slightly BETTER at sleeping now during Test matches. I have a diary and I write things down, which HELPS. I write about decisions, a lot about opposition and STUFF I want to say to the team so I am CLEAR on the message I want to give.

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You know, some of the good PART of blog theory was that blogs would be LIKE diaries that the world could READ. They would be spontaneous, whatever pops into your MIND, as a diary would be.

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